KAZ rocks!

OMG, I hated Kaz when she first appeared. Now she is my favorite character. She is the real deal. She does what she says she'll do and is straight up. By Season 6 she has evolved into a true hero. She doesn't betray people, and truly cares about the women like she claimed to do all along. I used to think "wow, I don't know how far I can go with her being Top Dog" because (yes, I know how shallow it sounds..) I didn't like her looks. And now I am of the opinion that she is really REALLY pretty. Weird: Same actress, but now that she has fleshed out the character so well, I don't think she is unattractive anymore. I live to see her smile with that twinkle in her eye.

I was hoping she and Will would cross the boundary that he crossed with Marie. But, I now see that wouldn't have fit Kaz character. She wouldn't have done it. I LOVE HER. And frankly, there is no chemistry between Will and Marie. Which might have been the intention all along. It was just a release for him and nothing more.. because we know why she did it - snake!
