MovieChat Forums > The Fundamentals of Caring (2016) Discussion > Bad "paint by the numbers" indie quirky ...

Bad "paint by the numbers" indie quirky road trip

I guess I cannot explain this without taking too long to do so, but this whole film feels like someone took notes of how to do these cliche genres of unlikely couple on road trip and spit out a robotic, soulless version.

Trevor was a caricature of a disabled person, a THIN, one dimensional contradictory pastiche of the "wise ass" disabled. He had little emotional background except the whole father thing, which was so badly handled... Craig Roberts was either misdirected or miscast.

Paul Rudd's character was past the whole challenge of caring for Trevor WAY too fast, in 10 minutes they were done with that character arc. And he was avoiding signing the divorce papers because of... what again? So he needed to proof he was able to not KILL a child to sign those?

Third act opens with a non event (the big hole thing), and Trevor has absolutely NO change except committing a crime of public urination with the help of Paul Rudd for no apparent reason.

I give it a 3/10, it's Rain Man for idiot millennials.

"You keep him in here, and make sure HE doesn't leave!"


Even as a millennial I have to agree. I liked the actors, but the story was meh. I don't know if the book was better though.


Yeah I was hoping to like it.. I like the cast going in. It held my attention but yeah, I had to laugh at how cheesy or cookie cutter it was at times. And How many times are they both going to say something harsh, then smile as the other walks away. lol


I give it a 3/10, it's Rain Man for idiot millennials.

Just b/c you didn't enjoy the film doesn't mean it's for idiots. But it does say a lot about your emotional maturity if you feel that way.

Your generation loves to bash young people, but young people aren't the ones ruining the planet. So go on and call them stupid. They'll be here long after you fixing the damage your generation caused.

btw, I'm not a millennial. Just in case you were about to lump me in with them. I just know they aren't the cause of all our problems.

"Get off my lawn!" - Ricardo-36


Part of my job is interviewing college students for internships (a small part of my job). I got to know the transition between Generation X and Millenials. Trust me on this one, while there are exceptions on both sides, the gap is astounding. I also know an university professor who shares my perception - he has been teaching some computer science classes for 20+ years, and he is shocked of how utterly sensitive and stupid this generation of college students are.

"You keep him in here, and make sure HE doesn't leave!"


and he is shocked of how utterly sensitive and stupid this generation of college students are.

Who's raising these kids? Who's making them this way? They don't just come out of the womb acting this way. Your generation failed. You failed at raising your kids and you are failing at running the country.

But hey, these kids are rude, am I right?

I have a great idea. Let's cut the education budget some more and then complain about how stupid the kids are! 


I'm part of Generation X, indeed, but I have no kids, and if I ever do, they'll be part of the next generation. Besides, blaming on parenting is only changing the focus on the real problem. It's a generation of morons because they are raised in a society that has become politically moved by the wrong ideas of a "fair" society and protecting "feelings", with no real effort given to hard work and not caring about what others talk about you on social media.

"You keep him in here, and make sure HE doesn't leave!"


Again, children don't come out this way. They aren't running the world right now, their parents and grandparents are. It's foolish to say they are stupid. If they are stupid it's b/c their parents failed them.

But hey, let's keep slashing that education budget. 

Hard work doesn't matter anymore. But it's not b/c of the children. It's b/c their parents and sold them out. There are thousands of people with degrees that are making minimum wage at McDonalds. The middle class is gone. And the kids didn't do that. But I'm sure you'll find a way to blame them for that though.


"Part of my job is interviewing college students for internships (a small part of my job). I got to know the transition between Generation X and Millenials. Trust me on this one, while there are exceptions on both sides, the gap is astounding. I also know an university professor who shares my perception - he has been teaching some computer science classes for 20+ years, and he is shocked of how utterly sensitive and stupid this generation of college students are."

From my experience I notice a lot of generation x were the first kids of the baby boomers and millenials tend to be from their second marriages. So the baby boomer parents raised the millenials with kid gloves trying to fix the mistakes they made with their abandoned firstborn latch-key kids. And this is the result!

