Truly a masterpiece

Visually scrumptious, in every sense of the word Hideaki Anno’s magnum opus.

Best film he’s ever done. Hope it is nominated for best animated feature.


I hope that it is nominated too! Kind of disappointed that this forum isn't as active as it could be.


A feast to the eyes!


Eh. Looked great visually as always, but it was lacking a certain something. Not as good as the first two remake films for whatever reason. Could have used 30 minutes trimmed from it. I also didn't like the relatively upbeat ending compared to the far more ambiguous ending of End Of Evangelion.

As far as incomprehensibility, though, it's certainly up there with the rest of them, it was just missing that certain something that made the fact that nothing you're seeing makes any kind of sense irrelevant.


I liked it better than the original.
