Why would Anakin show Kyle...

All the dark sides of the force through his force ghost? I assumed he turned good before his death in Return of the Jedi? Can a force ghost go from good to evil still?




Kylo's ability to see Force Ghosts must be distorted by the Dark Side.

He's probably seeing Anakin as he was during his Vader time.

I would guess Ep. IX will have a big reveal moment when Anakin (Hi Hayden!!) appears in Force Ghost form to Kylo and tells him he has been mislead by the Dark Side.


4) You ever seen Superman $#$# his pants? Case closed.


Maybe Luke will help Kylo redeem himself.

Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, Pantera, and My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic fan.


Kylo wasn't talking to Anakin, he was trying to reach Vader.

Anakin returned to the light when he saved Luke by sacrificing himself, so basically he destroyed the 'Vader' part of himself. Only a light-sider can become a ghost, because it's the ultimate act of selflessness, to surrender yourself to oblivion. (Sith refuse to do anything so unselfish)

If you think you're addicted to chocolate, you're not! You're STUPID! - Craig Ferguson


Kylo is just talking to Darth Vader's crumpled helmet, Anakin did turn back to the lightside, Kylo is just a sad try hard whos a wannabe Vader and fails miserably in everyway. If Kylo even had any knowledge of Vader and why he went dark side he would not have killed Han, Anakin/Vader was big on the whole family thing as the OT and the PT shows.

Vader was evil but he did all the evil to save his wife, and then when he finds out he has kids he wants them to be with him ruling the Empire. Kylo would have also known Vader turned back to the lightside because of Luke and his love for his son(hand cutting off withstanding).

"Always two there are , a master and an apprentice"


I think Kylo's got the teen-Anakin act down perfectly. Though I'm sure Snoke has corrupted the idea of Anakin/Vader & filled the kids' head with what he wants him to believe.

As for Vader cutting off Luke's hand: from his perspective, losing a hand would be like a paper cut for the rest of us.

If you think you're addicted to chocolate, you're not! You're STUPID! - Craig Ferguson


Yeah but he said something along the lines of "show me again grandfather."


Kylo Ren is delusional. He doesn't really talk to Anakin or Vader's spirit. We can assume Anakin's (and Obi Wan and Yoda's for that matter) Force ghost has long ceased to be and he fully became one with the Force, no longer with the ability to retain its former identity.

The Shroud of the Disney has fallen. Begun the Jar Jar Abrahams Wars have.


Has it been established that he spoke to Anakin's ghost before? I thought he was praying to an image that wasn't real--he wanted to believe that Darth Vader hadn't returned to the light that he disregarded any evidence. I suppose it's possible that Snoke was able to generate a simulacrum of Vader in order to mislead Kylo.

This picture contains no physical depiction of the Godhead.


That is one of the things that greatly bother me about the writing: it builds on images of OT characters (like Han the smuggler, Vader the bad guy etc), but blatantly disregards any actual OT character and plot development.

Vader turned to the good side, he redeemed himself by rescuing his son, destroying the Sith, he brought balance by destroying the dark side and the Empire. He became a nice grandfatherly/Hayden Force ghost.

So why would you pray to Vader if you feel tempted by the "Light", that is absurd and stupid. Also why would redeemed Ghost Anakin not warn his grandson of his lost ways, like it happened with Obi Wan and even Qui Gon before?

Anwser: because it's just too awesome to have Kylo worship Vader and make yet another OT connection; the audience is to dumb to think anyway. One of many reasons I deem this fanfiction writing.

de gustibus non est disputandum


So why would you pray to Vader if you feel tempted by the "Light", that is absurd and stupid. Also why would redeemed Ghost Anakin not warn his grandson of his lost ways, like it happened with Obi Wan and even Qui Gon before?

Why do you have to keep revealing these things? lol. Now that you brought it up, Anakin/Vader was good when he died.


Vader no longer exists; he ceased to be when Anakin returned to the light. Darth Vader wasn't a person in his own right, he was just a name Anakin used to separate himself from his former life.

I don't think Force ghosts can appear around those who use the dark side; the films seem to imply that any way... When Luke goes to face Vader the first time, Kenobi warns him that he cannot interfere. Plus, if they could, wouldn't they be constantly spying/haunting Palpatine and Vader. Now that would be hilarious; having the Emperor yelling at someone who isn't there & making everyone think he's gone senile!

If you think you're addicted to chocolate, you're not! You're STUPID! - Craig Ferguson


Vader no longer exists; he ceased to be when Anakin returned to the light. Darth Vader wasn't a person in his own right, he was just a name Anakin used to separate himself from his former life.

Good point, and if this is true then Kylo is just praying to a melted helmet.


Just one of the many mysteries we have been left to ponder by the storyteller. Did Anakin show Kylo anything at all? Was it an illusion created by Snoke? Kylo's hallucination? Like you pondered, does Anakin still waver even after death?

What's the best part about this? Nobody knows the answer until we see it!!

It's wonderful to have so much mystery back into a universe where so much was known, cataloged, memorized, and put on Wookieepedia for so many years. At least it is for me.


Couldn't agree more


I think either:

A. Snoke had caused Kylo (or maybe Ben still at the time) to see visions, or think he was seeing Vader, but it was just his illusion (Like the possibility that it may have been Palpatine causing Anakin to dream of Padme's death)


B. Kylo Ren practiced psychometry, and obtained visions from Vader's helmet. This would be object memory, so the fact that Anakin returned to the Light wouldn't matter. He could still coax memories or visions of dark actions that Vader had carried out, from the helmet.

As for Kylo Ren not taking Vader's Return into account? Well Luke and Leia didn't tell him while he was growing up. First his mother, then his uncle and teacher hid it from him. He only found out after it was exposed in Bloodlines.

And even then, what was in the public gossip was just that Vader was his mother's father. Sometime after Bloodline, Leia or Luke tried to tell Ben that Anakin had come back at the end. But to Ben/Kylo, this probably seemed like damage control or trying to placate him. They hadn't told the truth before, why should he take their claims to heart now?

And this turn to the Light had come at the end. Up until just before this turn, Vader had still been trying to get Luke to join the Darkside. Kylo Ren knows that Vader killed the Emperor, as mentioned in the novelization. But that doesn't mean he really takes the claim that Vader repented to heart. Based on the novelization quote it seem he is likely seeing Vader's action not as repentance, but just a moment of weakness:

A momentary lapse in an otherwise exemplary life. Had Lord Vader not succumbed to emotion at the crucial moment—had the father killed the son—the Empire would have prevailed.


Thanks to ROS now we know. Palpatine was pretending to be Vader and talked to Kylo.


Lol I can't believe how much thought people put in this turd of a script six years ago, while Jar Jar Abrams probably cobbled it together taking an extended shit.
