MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens (2015) Discussion > Disney forgot to make a film a fan can w...

Disney forgot to make a film a fan can watch ten times, or a hundred.

I loved it the first viewing or two, but after that the derivative script began to get on my nerves, and I'm sure I'm not alone in having a problem with that. Quite sure.

Disney forgot one thing about the Star Wars fans, the hardcore fans they were relying on to buy the director's cut DVD and prop replicas and con tickets and tickets for future movies... they want something they can enjoy on the 10th viewing, or the hundredth! You'd think that someone, somewhere, would have realized the hardcore fans who bring in the most money per capita might have an issue there.


I hear you -- this is my least fav Star Wars (3/10) but Ive rewatched a bunch. The visual effects are great, the music is great and I like the cast. Trying not to hold the script against them 😀


Cut everyone some slack on this movie; it was "written" and "directed" by Jar Jar Abrams.

Exciting as it is to look forward to a new Star Wars, this one fades out quickly for me. The callbacks to previous films were fun the first time, the new characters had a few solid scenes, but the movie was riddled with unnecessary and perfunctory sequences. Han Solo harboring a hentai monster? That 'Member Cantina with the CGI character who somehow looked worse than he did in Psychonauts? Watch as this daring gusty rogue gets hastened into a wimpy death at the hands of an annoying Julliard twit.

Fun to watch the first time. Doesn't hold up upon reflection. Less entertaining than a Michael Bay movie, and Bad Boys II was the worst movie I've ever seen in theaters.


I agree. The beginning sequence was brilliant. But it fades after that. I know they wanted a fresh hero, but fans wanted Mark as a Jedi master. Maybe they should've had him rebuilding the temple and training a new generation of padawans. Leia and Hans should've stayed in love making it more heartbreaking when he or she dies. Also storm troopers shouldn't have self doubt and not follow orders. I can see them using mind control in seeking one's help, but a free spirit was a betrayal to their characterization.


The plan for disney is to actually pump out hundreds of these movies so you are not expected to rewatch. Rewatch=lost profits.

The drop off in quality from OT to the prequel trilogy was a few steps. The drop off to TFA was a fucking canyon.

If the OT was the Beatles. TFA was the Backstreet Boys. Got it?


So true - it failed to have the same impact upon even a second viewing. The 1977 to 1983 films are so re-watchable, maybe it's just because they left a strong impression during an early stage of my life. I just find the production of those films remarkable by comparison.


Despite its many flaws I do like this movie. I saw it three times in the theatrical run and even though I own the Blu-Ray I haven't watched it since. It just doesn't have the same rewatch value. If I wanted to see this story again, I'd watch the original. I'm looking forward to 8 and 9 but I'm really not sold at all on the spinoff films. I was really let down by Rogue One and I'm not really interested in a Han Solo origin story.


I watched it twice now when it first came out and now two years later. I gave it an 8 initially. Yes, the beginning was awesome and then it kinda went downhill until the finish. What I couldn't get into was Rey getting the power of the force and becoming a Jedi so fast, but Daisy Ridley did an excellent job. She worth watching. Also, Darth wouldn't take off his mask that often like Kylo. It's who he is. One more nit I had was Poe just disappeared leaving his jacket intact. I still give it an 8 and will watch again.


Luckily for Disney, most Star Wars fans don't care about the low quality of new Star Wars movies. Our voices will always be drowned out by the majority who consume anything with the SW label on it.


That's how I felt. I felt some elements worked and it went off the rails. I wish we got more background action, history and what went on during the reconstruction.
