The many expressions of Daisy Ridley

Playing the character of Rey in TFA, Daisy Ridley showed the world just how diverse her expressions are. See photo:



I'm struggling to remember where she smiled in TFA. This and TLJ are such gloomy films. She never had anything to smile about.


She's actually a great actress, but she had NOTHING to work with in these Star Wars movies. Same with John Boyega, Oscar Issac, and Adam Driver. Hell, Driver has multiple Academy Award nominations and you'd never even know that if you only knew him for Star Wars.


While that is true about no one having good material to work with, IMO Daisy was remarkably worst in her body language and facial expressions than the other actors. It is like the emotions she was being told to show were in direct contridictions with what her reactions should have been in certain scenes; especially at times were she is seemingly 'annoyed' by something but within context of those scenes she has nothing to be annoyed about.

2 come to mind: when she first meets BB-8 and reluctantly allows him to come with her she gives this roll of the eyes head nod (it makes no sense; why would she be annoyed with the driod she literally just saved from another scavenger asking to go with her) never mind the absurdity and lack of sense this scene makes (like why save the droid just send him off again) but the actual look she makes just seemed so incorrect for the situation. the 2nd example of this is when she 'bypasses the compressor' and Han gives a nod and walks away. She does this annoyed eye roll again. Why would she be annoyed? her expression makes no sense.

Then later when she is listening to Han tell stories she has this odd gaze longingly at him starring. She looked like one of the students out of Raiders of the Lost Arc starring at Indiana Jones; but in this Han was like a 75 year old man. So the look just seemed so odd.

They were all pretty bad, but Daisy just was especially noticeably bad.


I recommend checking out Murder On The Orient Express and Ophelia because she's great in both movies. However, you're not wrong that she's noticeably below-average in the Star Wars trilogy, like most of the actors. I don't blame this on her, as I'd rather blame bad direction, mediocre screenwriting, and general lifeless filmmaking. I've seen her bee surprisingly remarkable in other works so I know she has the talent to act, but none of it is here. Maybe she's entirely reliant on a good actor's director.


Yes I don't know her other work I have not seen it. She might be a fine actress but she was totally wrong for the role of Rey (honestly though, no one was going to make that character work) but in addition she was especially bad in her body language, facial expressions, and delivery; not only that she was totally unconvincing in the action scenes. She just cannot do action and choreography well at all (these things I do blame somewhat on her to a degree).


She's almost as bad at acting as Harrison Ford!


Harrison Ford is not fully a bad actor. He is not great but he has a lot of on screen presence and charisma. Similar to someone like Brad Pitt. But yeah Ford was terrible returning as Han. He wasn't even acting. He was just being Harrison Ford and looking like he was annoyed at even being there the whole time. No enthusiasm; bored lazy delivery and the bad attitude were plan as day in TFA.


He has been terrible since at least Blade Runner. Prior to that, I guess he was okay. I haven't seen much more than SW:ANH in which I thought he was at least passable. Recently, I watched Patriot Games and Clear and Present Danger, and those are two of the worst acting performances I've ever seen.


I don't really like him as Jack Ryan; so I agree there. But he has had some good performances in the 90's; he is fine in the fugitive; Six Days, Seven Nights, Hollywood Homicide, he is perfectly fine in all of them. Not great but charismatic and effective.

But IMO he does have a bad habit of phoning in performances he is not fully invested in.


He has been terrible since at least Blade Runner

Never seen Witness or Mosquito Coast?


I disagree, a very good actor in my opinion and above all it does not matter what the people say about him.....he always will be the one who was Han Solo and Indiana Jones.



I liked her ass


She is being considered for the role of Celie in the remake of The Color Purple.


She looks like a horse




