Revisiting the 3 trailers

'there has been awakening..'...'chewie we're home'.. "its true..all of it'

Just randomly reviewing the 3 trailers today on utube while looking for some stuff, And remembering that OMG! feeling

The fleeting glimpses of the familiar iconic OT designs (but slightly updated), the ruins of the star destroyer etc (like the passage of time between 1983 and now.. broken toys), familiar light speed star FX (not seen since ROTJ), the Falcon, R2/Luke (hooded/metal hand), Han/Chewie (the way they're positioned recreating the iconic promo photos of them burned into everyone minds on lunchboxes, pencilcases etc since '77, and knowing Blade Runner 2 & Indy 5 were on the way.. pretty crazy and important stuff for guys who grew up with all his films in the 80s.. its still real to me damnit!)

It felt like there was this potential for it to be the new Empire Strikes Back (bit like the Phantom Menace trailer that blew everyone away to the extent their pay to go se Meet Joe Black then leave after seeing the trailer).

overall you really get that 80s vibe like wow this really is Star Wars '4' (forget TPM being SW4),. Just something you never thought you'd ever see. and when watching TFA first time you kind of got that same feeling..

But now? After the trilogy has long been and gone? rewatching those trailers almost feel sadness at how it all turned out , and TFA itself kind of feels less than what once was...
