MovieChat Forums > Catfish: The TV Show (2012) Discussion > It's difficult to feel bad for the catfi...

It's difficult to feel bad for the catfish victims

It amazes me how anyone could fall in love with someone online. Someone they've never met in person. Call me crazy and cold hearted...but I say that's extremely naive and downright dumb on their part. I mean, if you're gonna have a long distance relationship with someone, you might as well request that they talk to you face-to-face through a webcam...just to know that they're real. Most of these catfish victims formed a relationship with the person, solely through text messages. I mean, come on, that's just insane. But still, I'm not saying the show isn't interesting. I'm just saying that it's difficult to feel bad for the catfish victims.


I almost married a woman I met online. We were both ready to say I love you before even talking on the phone or on webcam, then we talked on the phone and things were great and we eventually met in person and things were great and we lived together for almost a year. Unfortunately the relationship fell apart.

But it’s possible to fall in love with someone you met online.


Great story. Hey.....Remember when you were like:
"I am not a liberal, not everyone is American" lol
That was funny wasn't it?


Yes I remember since your psychotic obsessive ass keeps reminding me multiple times everyday. Seek help.


lmao. No, young man you need to understand WHY what you said was so stupid. Do you yet?


Yes I’m a dumb piece of garbage. Ok now piss off. Go find someone else to stalk and obsess about.


Atta boy


Well, this thread took a weird turn lol


Great story. Hey.....Remember when you were like:
"I am not a liberal, not everyone is American" lol
That was funny wasn't it?


Hey remember when tried watching HILL HOUSE, only made it to episode 4....for some reason hated it so much, you lost touch of reality and started making countless troll threads claiming the show was really awful and everyone who liked Most ALL BE LYING and Posting FAKE VOTES...

remember how then a Half Dozen posters called you out on your trolling and brutally made fun of you....

lol Good Times


HAHAHAHA You are so obsessed with that Hill House show, it is still on your mind after all this time!
Guess what? I finished the show. Just as I suspected it was even worse than the first half lol.
It's a show for people with small brains. Deal with it, princess.


It's a show for people with small brains. Deal with it, princess.


I was gonna right the usual respond and tell you indisputable facts that you have no comebacks for on why Hill House is universally Praised....

But theres no need anymore....

You are a Netflix troll....You are not trolling on Hill House....I have no doubt that you havent even watched it....

You certainly dont hate it, You probably have no opinion on it whats so ever...

The question I want to know now is.....why do you hate Netflix?


"You are a Netflix troll....You are not trolling on Hill House....I have no doubt that you havent even watched it...."

Oh wow lol. You really are a useless, little bitch LMAO.

And yeah, you are right....I don't hate the show. I save my hate for important things.
I just think it is a pour show made by and for morons lol. Deal with it, Princess.


Oh wow lol. You really are a useless, little bitch LMAO.


how useless can I actually be.....If you feel I'm important enough to RESPOND to every post I make!

again this is just awful trolling by you....

You are contradicting yourself!

You continue to claim you dont read my posts, I'm not worth responding to and Now that I'm Useless....

yet you then contradict yourself and 1000% prove you do READ my posts, I am worth responding to, and that I'm not useless By RESPONDING Without fail to every post I make, even posts that are not directed to you...

I mean, you literally respond to posts that have nothing to do with you...theres simply no other explanation for that other than....You are checking my history, reading my posts and commenting on everything I say because I BOTHER YOU...

If I truly were USELESS....You would simply block me or never respond to another post I made because you wouldnt have cared enough to read it...

lol again this is just bad, completely Not thought out trolling on your part!

YOU are OWNING yourself!


Your case is a rare exception. I'm just saying, if you're going to start a relationship with someone online, at least make sure you know what they look like first.


I agree with your points but that's why i feel bad for these people. Its clear all of them weren't taught life skills or how to get through life. I think its fine to be on message boards but all these cat fish people are mentally ill.
Granted all these shows are scripted you can't help but pitty the people. Even on other shows like Teen Mom,True Life and Friend Zone etc.


Agreed. That post was from a while back. My perspective has changed in some ways. I feel bad for some of them.


My husband and I met online back in 1993. It was very rare for this to happen back then. We actually lived in the same town. We met online in October, started talking on the phone in the end of November I think then met in person New Years Day. We got engaged in March of 94 and married in April.

We just celebrated our 30th anniversary


What a great story! Thanks for sharing. That seems like a loooonnnggg time ago, seems like more than 30 years with all the changes in technology. Happy anniversary!
