MovieChat Forums > 1 (2013) Discussion > Overblown, overproduced and...

Overblown, overproduced and...

typical of the documentaries of this age.
This is something you'd find on the 'MTV Channel', masquerading as a 'documentary'.
What happened to good ol' fashioned telling 'the story', where you could actually HEAR the commentators 'commentating' on the STORY? The documentaries where your senses weren't bombarded with nonsensical music? Where you hold the shot for more than a mili-second? The documentaries where they'd cast someone who could actually 'narrate', not some mediocre actor (at best) mumbling his way through a near hour 2 hour 'experience'.
This 'documentary' is something a child of 15 would submit as a class project, at best. One word, embarrassing.
BBC4's 'F1: The Killer Years, was infinitely better.


I would agree that "The Killer Years" was a more impactful documentary. But its subject matter was more concentrated and limited in scope. And unlike some other reviewers, I didn't find this documentary a "10." But I didn't find it nearly as bad as you did. In all, I thought the film was a solid overview of F1 from the 60s to the 90s. Fassbender wasn't a standout narrator but seemed unobtrusive enough. It seemed his part really wasn't that big as it was full of interviews. The music was fine for the most part. I'd give it a 6.5 or 7. Solid and interesting but not the best of its kind.


True because producers had to pay so much money for F1 footage that they had to cut the production cost elsewhere.


yes, way too much music. I cringed when they played music over Senna's Monaco run....
