Will Luke be a grey jedi in this?

Is that what he meant, when he said ''it's time for the jedi to end''? Maybe Luke realizes that it's best that there's neither a light nor dark side to bring balance to the force? What do you think?


I think that would be interesting. If not Luke, at least Kylo/Ben or Rey. Kylo has Light and Dark, so he'd make a good grey Force-wielder (Grey Knight?).


I think Kylo will eventually return to the light, while Luke will be lured towards the Darkness. I don't think he'll go full darkside, but he'll definitely be tempted.


That's interesting.

Luke was already tempted in the original trilogy, but he didn't fall. He also ran into hiding once one (or more?) of his students fell to the Dark Side. So I doubt that he'll go Dark, although it is possible. Especially if Anakin's ghost gives him questionable advice.

I definitely see Kylo redeeming himself, but the thing is, I don't think he'll over fully recover. As in, he'll probably still have a short temper and need to work hard to follow the Light.

I could see Rey slipping to the Dark Side. I'm not sure how far she'd go, but it's possible.


If Ben-Ren comes back to the light, he'd be well advised to die a heroic death as soon as he can. Some things can never be forgiven, and a mass murderer can't just say he's sorry and be accepted back into society.

So betcha ten bucks he either dies or goes into another dimension.


Another dimension? That would be cool, lol.

And I know redemption would be a long and hard journey, maybe impossible by some points of view.


Luke the Grey?
