Empire Strikes Back...

Wonder how much nostalgia they'll implement from it like how TFA did with A New Hope. Sure, different stories but same plot points.


Hopefully, it won't be too similar to Empire. The only similarity I've noticed so far is Rey will be training under Luke (just like he did with Yoda in Empire).


It's gonna be there. For sure the training, for sure the dark tragic and somber ending, complete with some dumb reveal we're not invested in this time around.


I wonder how they will finish Carrie Fisher's arch? I hope it's not left open ended.

Also I'm not a big fan of Rey and I'm crossing my fingers they don't have her taking scenes from Mark Hamill. I feel it would be such a waste getting him back and losing him.


I'm not expecting much from Luke. I think he's just gonna be wise and mysterious and he is DEFINITELY going to pull a an Obi-Wan and get taken out to bring things full circle and Force Ghost. That's my bet anyhow.

No idea what Fisher's arc will be. Just barking orders and pushing the plot along? She wasn't given a strong connection to Rey besides sympathetic women so far.



I'm afraid the mentor character always goes the way of Ibi-Wan, and Yoda and Qui-Gon. It's an official part of the Hero's Journey.

All I can really hope for is that Luke makes into film 9.


If they do I really hope it's the third one. Let him at least train her, get the jedi order going and let him become a master.



If R1 is any indication, they're going to Ikea on the Easter eggs and fan service. Which is fine with me, bring it on!

And i also hope that R1 is also an indication that they now have the nerve to use original stories.
