MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Discussion > The biggest missed opportunity in the en...

The biggest missed opportunity in the entire franchise...

Harrison Ford agreed to return to Star Wars. Mark Hamill agreed to come back. And Carrie Fisher agreed to come back. And we don't get to see the 3 of them together? Granted, the tragic death of Carrie Fisher makes HER reunion with Luke impossible. But why kill off Han in the last film before trying, very hard, to figure out a way for he and Luke to reunite after all those years--if only for one scene. It would have been movie gold. A real, iconic moment. That's the big reunion we were all hoping to see. Even more than Han and Leia.


I suspect that Harrison Ford didn't want to commit to three big green-screen tentpole films. He's not a young man, and seems to be pretty over the acting thing.


Force Awakens was the biggest missed opportunity, they could have been the focus of that movie for one last adventure, plus Lando, Chewie and the Droids. The Star Trek movies succeeded with an aging cast for years, one movie with the Star Wars originals sure wasn’t gonna hurt the franchise.


Dude, Harrison Ford and Billy DW are 75 and 80, respectively. Past the age of promising to star in a bunch of blockbusters over the next 10-15 years.

And while the Trek movies may have been profitable enough to continue with their aging casts, they weren't complete artistic successes and they appealed chiefly to the existing fan base. If Disney wants to make their four billion dollars back, they need pretty much everyone on Earth to buy tickets and stormtrooper toys. For that they need new actors, new characters, and tons of new merchandise


One last adventure together, not a trilogy but passing the torch to the next generation :)

The new generation would of still been in the movie but with smaler roles, the focus being on Luke, Han and Leia's last adventure together, maybe discovering the re-emergence of the Empire in some far flung part of the Galaxy for example.

I certainly wouldnt of had Luke missing the entire film with no interaction with his old pal Han.


You can always watch IV, V and IV again. I just did, they're still great.


Because JJ Abrams is a hack. This was the biggest no brainer in cinema history and he couldn't even get it right. This should have been a passing of the torch movie, but instead it was a pile of recycled garbage. What a mess. I can't believe that people defend that movie. Star Wars has simply become another super hero type franchise in the vein of The Avengers or the X Men. Thanks, but no thanks. I'm sure it'll make billions though. It's not like anything of quality makes money these days.


Couldn't agree more. There are way too many stupid "blockbuster" movies because people have lost the taste for quality stories probably because they have been conditioned by stupid reality shows on TV. So, all they want from the movies is mindless action while they eat their popcorn.


I still can't believe that the executives at Disney approved that script. Sure Han Solo could still have died (that was probably the only way they could get Ford to come back) but the manner in which it was done and the fact that three of the most iconic characters in Sci-Fi cinema history had the opportunity to have one last great adventure and go out with a bang was missed is mind numbing to me. I walked out midway through this movie and I have no interest in this new movie. Star Wars will always be (to me) episode IV, V and around 45 to 50 percent of episode VI. Everything thereafter was made 100% for monetary gain. And I agree with you reality shows have done a lot to hurt people's actual appreciation of a good story.
