I'm disappointed.... Spoilers.

It had some fun action, some funny jokes and was far better than TFA.
But over all I'm disappointed. Starting the film with a comedy routine got my eyes rolling right off the bat but the rest of the film didnt have that same terrible humour.

The bad comedy wasnt what disappointed me though. We learn nothing of use about Rey other than she really is a Mary Sue and not someone important.
The only interesting villain was Snoke and he was written off after doing fuck all. So now we are left with Darth Jonas Brother crying and punching things for the next film. Great, thanks for the paper tiger villain, cant wait to see what wonderful things hes going to do. Send in General Zod too, nothing says threatening like the guy who never wins a fight...
Oh, we also have ginger villain, they guy tricked by a joke ... yay?

IDK Maybe I wanted something a little more interesting to happen. Beter than TFA or ANH: The copy. But still... I think I even liked ROTS better.


The opening scene, fucked up the movie for me. I couldn't get over the fact they started A Star Wars movie with a prank call.


I was pretty terrible. My theater was silent.


Wow, im shocked!


This movie has weak plot. They have absolutely no idea where they're going.


It wuz better than sliced bread


Only if you chop your finger off whilst slicing the bread...otherwise...pre sliced bread wins...even with some mold!
