MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Discussion > Would have GEORGE LUCAS done a better jo...

Would have GEORGE LUCAS done a better job?

Not as a director but as a co writer and mapper of this new trilogy. Much like Empire and Jedi. I just find a lot of the new trilogy quite boring.

Rey is just at times a mary sue. Turns out she still has no interesting backstory up to this point. Just happens to be powerful.

They didn't have Luke fight because he would finished the saga off much sooner. Luke wasn't allowed to take center stage.

In 30 years you really think Rey's character would have a legacy as strong as Luke's?

Shame Luke never got a proper run out. Also a shame they never reunited the trio in some kind of a flash back before Kylo's training begun. Of which we saw nothing??!!!

I am so bored of all the rebel stuff. It's just the same old stuff rehashed. I wish Finn, Poe, Leia were killed off at the start. They just seem a side show to me compared to Rey, Kylo, Luke and the force.

I did love the twists and turns of the film but Luke deserved better.

This film really missed Hans Solo I felt.

Snoke as it turns out was pretty useless.....he didn't see that coming? Really?

I assume Luke and Yoda and even possibly Obi Wan will feature as force ghosts in the next one to help guide Rey? Shame she and Luke barely trained.

I knew Luke would die cause I saw a spoiler and kept waiting for it to happen. The film toys with you about his death which is quite amusing for someone who knew he was going to die. Then when he was a hologram I thought great he's not dead after all. But then.....

Lucas would have given Luke's legacy the respect it deserves.

Not surprised Mark Hamill is rumored to be pissed about how his character was handled.

Fuck you Kathleen Kennedy.


Yeah it was BS how they killed Luke off - he was badass and then just randomly DIES - because of nothing?

Then all they have to say are 2 lines about it and they all just move on.

In the saga Luke finally becomes a Jedi in ROTJ, then we never see him actually being one - at all - and then he's dead?

Seriously - kennedy trying to push all of the old male characters out in favour of the new female guard is getting a bit ridiculous.

Even Admiral Ackbar man, that pisses me off.



Mark Hamill is pissed

Interesting he sighed on for the new trilogy in 2012 BEFORE it was announced Disney bought it late that year!

*Reaction so far has been very mixed. A lot of people pissed. Most reviews were full of fake praise. Rotten Tomatoes has been irrelevant for years. Disney getting more powerful by the day. Perhaps Mickey is the big bad in the next episode?


Lucas would of at least been original and focused on the Skywalkers, I didn’t care if the Skywalker or Solo kids were gonna be young, good casting makes the difference, many kids can act well, such as the cast from Stranger Things or It.

George wouldn’t direct anyway so another director could get the best out of younger actors.

And fuck you Kathleen Kennedy.


Lucas would of at least been original and focused on the Skywalkers, I didn’t care if the Skywalker or Solo kids were gonna be young, good casting makes the difference, many kids can act well, such as the cast from Stranger Things or It.

George wouldn’t direct anyway so another director could get the best out of younger actors.

And fuck you Kathleen Kennedy.

Couldn't agree more. George Lucas can actually write stories that make sense.


For once I'm glad I saw spoilers for a movie online. You guys all just saved my wife and I some money--we cancelled our Christmas plans to watch this. FCK Disney and their Turd Wars. I will never watch another Disney Star Wars film. They just lost some fans.

Kathleen Kennedy is an insane feminazi who is taking pleasure in killing all the male characters off.

And Kennedy is NOT on the side of women--my own WIFE thinks it's BS how overpowered Rey is and how Star Wars is trying to kill male influence as of late.

I can't believe I'm saying this but the Star Wars prequels are ALL better--ALL three of them. Amazing...


George's plans were pretty bananas from the blurbs I read of what he had in mind that all got thrown out.

I want the people who make the video games to make the films. They got their shit together.


Another vote of disappointment here with how they handed Luke. What an absolute JOKE this ended up being.

FUCK YOU Kathleen Kennedy


Lucas had proposed his vision for a new trilogy, and was dismissed. He was going to have a new set of characters, and allow the original trilogy characters to stay as they were when "Return of the Jedi" came to an end.

Much better choice, in my opinion. It's been a letdown with killing off Han pretty randomly. At least Luke got to have a certain poetry to his exit. And now, Carrie is gone, and she won't even have a chance at any exit, except to be gone.

The answer is simple as to why the original characters were brought back: Money. Disney had paid their $4 billion, and were going to get every penny back and more.


No, the answer is no.

People tend to overstate George's contributions to the original trilogy. A lot of his ideas for the first movie were scrapped and rightly so because they were awful. ESB and ROTJ were neither written nor directed by him. Just look at how he treats the original films by crapping all over them with special editions and denying the original edits to the public. He doesn't understand what people loved about the original films or why. And the prequels were shit. These new films would be 100X worse if he were involved.


The new films are shit.


They aren't great but they aren't shit. The prequels were shit


Disney pisses all over the OT with total disrespect to the main characters, for that they are shit.


You absolutely stole my thunder! Yes, way too much screen time given to the "diversity" rebel alliance! This was basically ROGUE 2 and the main characters as side notes! Not even chewy, C3PO and R2D2 got more screen time COMBINED than that BORING Asian tomboy! LUCAS SHOULD'VE NEVER SOLD THE FRANCHISE to ap bunch of "celebrate diversity" CLOWNS!!!


agreed. well said.
