Where the FUCK were the Knights of Ren?

Out having a smoke? Jesus Harold Christ on a rubber fucking crutch! More I think about the wasted opportunities in this flick...


*snaps fingers* Maybe they were Snoke's inefficient lobster guards?!


Inefficient? They were fighting literally the two most powerful force users in existence. Were they supposed to handily kill the primary characters in the new trilogy?

I love the senseless hate that people have for this film. Let me guess, you never threw a fit about Sidious's "inefficient lobster guards" even though they are equally lobstery and even less helpful on the two occasions when someone actually threatens him.


Sidious's lobster guards left before the fight.

Snoke's lobsters stood idly by, watching their master getting killed.

I rest my case.


The two most powerful force users? Who told you that? Bollocks! Rey is mary sue. She's only strong because Kathleen Kennedy is an irrational feminist.


Those are his praetorian guards...supposedly different, but who knows? The praetorians were the coolest part of the flick I thought...


I don't care about most of the fake complaints the people who decided to hate the movie beforehand have drummed up, but this is a genuine question that needs answering. The Knights of Ren are meant to be something, and they do reiterate in this film that Ben leaves with some of the other students. So it seems like they didn't retcon them. But not mentioning them was a strange choice.

My immediate guess was the same as the guy above me, that they may have become Snoke's royal guards. It would make sense for them to be force sensitive, given their fighting prowess. But I would also assume the Knights of Ren would be loyal to Kylo over Snoke. Perhaps they were, and are no longer (Snoke after all is a manipulator, maybe he was better at manipulating them than Ben).

Or maybe they're lying in wait for the final film, wherein a new Jedi order headed up by Rey will face off against Kylo's Knights of Ren.


Yeah...I ain't one to pad the list of dislikes...this movie had plenty of thing to hate without heaping on LOL! If the praetorians are the former KoR...GREAT! But let a body know...don't make me the paying customer fill,in the blanks! Totally hope they are being saved for 9...but I think they've been eradicated...hope you're right!
