I’m done getting over hyped

about Star Wars movies.ive loved only 5 in the last 40 years outta 9.the original trilogy and TFA.
This one wasn’t bad but not great either.
Why couldn’t they have the real Luke die fighting Kylo or something?!he stays on the island,LAME!


The weird thing is, why didn't Kylo suspect it wasn't actually Luke in the person when he emerged from the Super AT-AT laser barrage completely unscathed?


Because for all his strength in the force hes still an idiot. Snoke said as much early in the film. His silly temper tantrums and the like. Somebody should have told him, "youre not being like darth vader. Youre being like the whiny little bitch anakin.".


Because then it just have been a series of movies where adam driver kills our child hood heroes lol.


You get "overhyped" because you a testosterone-free loser who lives for movies
