
So, anyone else notice Palpatine's theme while he was tossing Rey around like a rag doll, the same music that plays aboard Death Star II.

Then, instead of revealing who the great Snoke is and his mysterious past and how he climbed to the top of the leadership of the Imperial remnant, they wipe him out.

That sucked.


Yes I did!!! And yes it did...
Number two gripe of the movie...maybe number one.


Not sure how impressed with that JJ will be, when he helms Episode IX soon. Why would they kill such a great villain in the second act.......

It would be like if Tolkien decided to kill Sauron in the Two Towers, ROFL.


No shit! Worst of all...early buzz had JJ loving this script and wishing he was doing it??? Between no decent villain and no recognizable hero...I have no idea what is in store for 9...but...I've a bad feeling about this...


What a fucking wasted villain!
Snoke was bad ass in this and had these awesome powers and before you know it he’s dead.what a crock of shit!


Yep, 100% agree. This is the mastermind of the First Order, the one who united all the stray Imperial fleets sometime well after Return of the Jedi, and built up a powerhouse all in complete secrecy.

So, Rian Johnson's like: Let's just kill him off before Episode IX, what an idiotic move. I may have dealt with it a little better if they had Rey turn to the dark side, which is what I was hoping for, but nope it's that temper tantrum Ren that seals the deal.
