My Updated Star Wars Rankings

1) The Empire Strike Back - A+
2) A New Hope - A+
3) Revenge of the Sith - A
4) Return of the Jedi - A-
5) Attack of the Clones - B
6) The Phantom Menace - B-
7) The Holiday Special - D
8) The Last Jedi - D-
9) Rogue One - D-
10) The Force Awakens - F


No one gives a SHIT about your "rankings" that you generated from your Mom's basement.


seconded. Ive cared more about the contents of the toiletpaper after wiping my arse than I do about what some butthurt poe fan boy thinks about star wars. Its kinda sad seeing someone so desperate to get a pat on the back from the other trolls.


Yet you cared enough to respond. LOL stupid fanboys. I bet you have a wet dream to this movie tonight.


Revenge of the Sith better than Return of the Jedi? Dafuuuq.


I really loved ROTS, by far the most emotional and character driven of the Star Wars films. It lost points due to the over reliance on CGI and some of the corny love dialogue.


Well I dropped a steamy shit on ur mom's dress


The Last Jedi should get an F-, since the story is even dumber than The Force Awakens.


I agree the story was an absolute mess, the characters and the plot made absolutely no sense, but I'll be honest the acting was way better than Force Awakens (we didn't get any scenes such as "Did you see that") and at least John Williams was on his A-game here. That is the only reason I put it higher than Force Awakens and Rogue One, everything else about it was a complete disaster.


Both of you acne-faced virgins are laughable


Your username kinda reveals the extent of your intelligence quotient, there is really no need to prove it any further.


1) The original Trilogy
(Each one is a A+ to me)
2)The Force Awakens A-
3)The Last Jedi B
4)Revenge of the Sith B-
5)Attack of the Clones C+
6)The Phantom Menace C
7)Rogue One C-

Just my opinion.


>> The Phantom Menace - B- <<

JarJar Binks says: Meesa think yoosa smoked too much dope with me! Yoosa gotta be really stoned outta your mind to rate the movie dat high!!!


I really didn't mind it, aside from the acting it really had a solid story, way better than anything Disney has put out.
