Just my two cents...

Hey everyone,
So I just saw Star Wars: The last Jedi, and I am gonna talk about this, and give my rating. Again, this is just my two cents, if you liked it, great! If you didn't like it, Great! These are just my opinions. WARNING: spoilers ahead!!!

So for this review, I'll make three lists of what I liked. "The light", "the dark", and "the grey area".

The Light:
The acting- I know Star Wars gets a bad rap on its acting, but here it was really strong. I think the best actor was Andy Serkis as Snoke. Any time he was on screen, he was friggin intimidating!!! Adam Driver does really nice work too, attempting to bring the character out of the emo Kylo, which he did for the most part. (More on that later) I was especially impressed with Mark Hamill and Daisy Ridley. One thing I think that could've made Episodes 1-3 more bearable was if they didn't say what they were thinking, rather just let the actors facial expressions and the gorgeous John Williams Score tell us what they're feeling! This movie does a lot of that. John Williams Score is magnificent in this!!! It further enhances how both Hamill and Ridley can act without speaking, and, at least for me, I got everything I could out of just a few eye movements. Oscar Issacs nails Poe as usual, and John Boyega did some good work as well. I'll go on in a bit how I think his character is not well written, but he worked with what he had, and did a decent job. The girl who plays Rose is so adorable, and a very good character. I like her.

The cinematography- This movie has so many amazing shots in it, it's hard to keep track. just pretty beautiful!

Luke using the force to make it seem like he was there- my jaw was on the floor!!! That is the coolest I have seen a Jedi do! Like, wow!!! Yes!!!!

The dark:

The porgs- I knew the second I saw these cute creatures, they were there to sell toys. At least when they had the ewoks in "return of the Jedi", they played a very big part in the story. These creatures mug to the camera and are there to look cute, and nothing else!!! Sorry, this is just a personal issue of mine.

Finn's character- Boy oh boy, did his story get down-graded! I liked "the force awakens", and one of the things I liked was Finn becoming a good guy, and I thought: "maybe in the next movie, he'll question his loyalty and have to fight his own personal demons!!" And nope, he could've just stayed in the coma till the third act and help out on the ship. I really like this character so... why so down graded???

Luke getting the milk- No, just... just no...

The grey:
(This is an area I'm half and half on)

The direction- the direction from Rian Johnson is decent. He definitely knows how to shoot a movie that's for sure, but some shots were not needed and could've been used for other things to show. On the other hand, he has a very nice attention to detail, especially on Luke's planet, with all the creatures and such.

The romance between Finn and Rose- throughout the movie, I only got the impression they were friends, never a glance from Rose hinting at she liked Finn. So when she saved his life then kissed him, for me at least, it was totally out of left field. I think it's cute, and could've worked if Finn was battling his own personal demons, and Rose would help him see the right way. They could've done that in the scenes they had.

Poe and Rey- um... I guess... maybe???? I think it's cute they acknowledged each other, and yeah I can see the two like, "ooo, you're cute" but it was shoe-horned in so forcefully. Maybe Chewie and Rey find a way into the cave and park the falcon and run inside just as a tie fighter tries killing them and creates a rock slide blocking off the entrance, then Rey goes and meets Poe and they help Leia get to the Falcon. This would allow Rey to still have her moment of using the force to get out the rocks

Yoda puppet- um... really? Okay so most of the creatures in this were CGI. Why was he a puppet? I know it's a nod to the original trilogy, but it really sticks out. I will say, it's nice Frank Oz voiced Yoda, and he still had one more thing to teach Luke. That was a good use of the character, just not his puppet design in the world of CGI.

CGI VS makeup- I could tell throughout the movie what was CGI and which was makeup. Now I'm totally not against CGI, in fact in can better a movie and make some things very realistic. I thought the final fight on the abandoned rebel base had some gorgeous work done on it, and it looked real a good chunk of the time. However then we get other scenes that the CGI was very evidently forced (no pun intended) especially on the porgs. Then sometimes people would be in full on makeup, and looked real, against a very evidently CGI'd background.

Overall, I enjoyed the movie, and definetly will watch it again!!! It had some great moments, some not-so-great moments, but overall, it was pretty good. Again, just my 2 cents.
