MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Discussion > Did worse than Episode 7 at the box offi...

Did worse than Episode 7 at the box know what that means?

The rule of 3. If your trilogy makes less with every entry you have a dead/dying franchise on your hands. I knew it would happen. Oversaturation of the market. Star wars is basically like CoD now with a movie every year. Greedy disney really shot themselves in the foot here.
personally i have not seen it i doubt i will.


56% audience review yikes

this will have a huge second weekend drop


Get a life you loser


Why did you call him a loser? He's right. They bought it from Lucas to do exactly that, pump out an annual movie until it's milked to death. Business is business. Money is god. Money is the root behind all evil. Look at the last, last as its toast, Transformers movie. Same thing.


You get a life you crackhead


100 percent agreed!
every other Star Wars movie the theater was excited and emotional.this Star Wars movie my theater was dead silent.
It was not a great movie.good,but not many missed opportunities to make it awesome and Nope they never one will be talking about this movie in a couple weeks.
And for the simple fact a new Star Wars movie every year is overkill and You are 100 percent right.


the solo movie will be the final nail in the coffin.


Hopefully someone (George Lucas? John Knoll?) will buy the franchise back for spare change when they are done destroying it.
They should give the franchise back to the creative fans that created the original EU, so we can see some proper fan fiction work come to the big screen, not some lame corpo-bullshit made by Disney.


Not necessarily oversaturation but it's Disney's lack of respect for the source material and especially the original characters. I mean I haven't seen it, but the way they killed off Han and what I read what happens to luke is ridiculous. Not to mention tfa is the SAME story of the new hope. Talk about lazy not giving a shit writing.


Agreed. What shocks me though is that TFA is actually a better movie than this one, notwithstanding that it's essentially an ANH remake as you say. This one had a lot of style over substance. TFA at least had an actual story, and at least Han never did anything out of character (cf. Luke considering murdering someone in their sleep or turning his back on the galaxy like a coward).

And couldn't agree more about Disney not respecting the source material. I knew this the moment they declared that the entire (massive) corpus of expanded universe material was now non-canon.


My thoughts exactly.
