MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Discussion > going in what stuff were you expecting? ...

going in what stuff were you expecting? (SPOILERS)

Han Solo flashback cameo (e.g. something like a CG deaged 'Fugitive' era Ford handing over 10y old Ben to mid 1990s Hamill as Fisher looks on)

Luke to live

Rey to be connected to someone notable (although maybe Kylo is bsing like Obi Wan did Luke about his parents)

Lando (although that was spoiled beforehand with news outlets saying he's not in it ffs)

Epic Luke vs Kylo duel (sort of happened I guess)

More Ben Solo/Knights of Ren flashbacks

Snoke revealed to be Darth Plaguis or Palpatine or something

Obi Wan force ghost cameo (when Yoda appeared thought Obi Wan might pop up too - either CG Guinness or McGregor) maybe even Qui Gon

Prequel references - (don't think there were any)


-Snoke back story...sorry make that awsome back story!
-More Chewie
-Luke actually training Rey
-Courageous death for Leia
-Luke to at least ignite a lightsaber
-"I've a bad feeling about this "...didn't think this warranted a mention...but I guess I'm in charge of teaching Star Wars 101...
-more R2
-after he ignites the lightsaber...use it in truly Jedi fashion
- Luke lives
- Snoke lives
- Snoke battling Luke

You and me had snoop dog high hopes...wish someone a Disney would have given one of us a call LOL!


Oh man! There was no "I have a bad feeling about this." How can you NOT have that in a "Star Wars" movie? Does Johnson even pay attention to what happens in "Star Wars" movies?


Pretty much nothing I expected happened. Rey's parents are "nobodies". That may prove to be bogus though. A glorious death Leia. I can only imagine they'd already committed to Luke's death while making Part 8 and have held back some footage so she can die in the final film. Luke training Rey as was hinted at the trailer. That was pretty dishonest really.


A great battle Luke vs Ren.
Not a lame projection from the island.

No boring subplot with the boring don’t care about Rose character.

Leia to die on ship not come back by floating through space,lame scene.

Rey to start training

Back story on Snoke who was a awesome villain and died way to early.

No porgs every 5 minutes,way over forced and out of place

Never needed to see Luke milk a alien.pointless and lame


Acording to imdb triva Luke references Darth Sidious which was only refered to in the prequels so guess that was a prequel ref?


Didn't expect anything. I read the spoilers intentionally so I'd know what to expect, since the movie was getting heavy criticism so quickly.


Basically it deliberately took expected things and turned it to what the audience weren't expecting to happen/played with their expectations. so stuff happened opposite to stuff in the previous films. As the trailer said Luke saying 'this isn't going to end up the way you think'

-Expected Luke to live as Han had died in last one and no big character dies in 2nd film before
-Expected Snoke to be the background villain pulling the strings for this trilogy as wed seen that with the Emperor and the throne room to play out similar to ROTJ.
-Expected Luke to be wise old mentor training Rey like Yoda/Obiwan
-Expected the big epic duel between Luke & Kylo (which sort of happened but didn't)
-Expected Reys' parents to be some huge revelation like likes daughter etc (which could till happen in IX)
