
How people I know seen it but don’t talk about if they waited 2 years for a awesome Star Wars movie and got let down big time.This Star Wars won’t be talked about in another week and it had so much potiental to be great.
After the shit Rogue One and the not so great Last Jedi I think I’m done with Star Wars.And can tell by the theater I’m not the only one.
Nothing is gonna ever come close to the original trilogy.Ever


My theatre audience appeared to love it. Even Kylo Ren showed up in person. ;)

I though "Rogue One" had a magnificant look or imagery and good characters.

I also felt that "The Last Jedi" worked, was entertaining and mostly served the characters well. Not all of the character choices were interesting and I just don't think Phasma is/was that vivid or effective (Gwendoline Christie in "Game of Thrones" is another story, though).

The original trilogy managed subtlety in performance well, charismatic characters, mysterious environments and a lightness of touch rather effectively. The originals weren't attempting to directly emulate or "better" other movies, though the styling of this Disney batch of films is not too far removed from the originals.
