lmao theforce.net whoring for disney

So basically I decided to visit http://theforce.net/. As I opened the site's homepage, this greeted me:


Didn't know theforce.net were in disney's pocket too. But then again, the owners have to earn money somehow, I guess.


Figured they were on the take when they got rid of comments...that is always a bad sign.


What comments did they get rid of?


Sorry...did not make that clear...comments section! Think it was aroundTFA/ Disney purchase. never good for us the consumer...


Under news articles?


Yeah...every story used to have a comment option. So when the staff puts out the official review users could for example...call the review shit! Get a few hundred or thousand negative comments attached to a positive review and users know they are dealing with a shit operation that is shilling for someone other than them. You could use their forum but they have rules to make that option a joke as well. One example is one thread for a topic. Sounds like a good idea until you realize that if you try to creat a thread that is similar...they delete it and require you use the established thread. Sounds ok until you find out that the designated thread has over 10'000 posts and has devolved into the shit show a 10,000 post thread would. Also...try jumping in the middle of a conversation that has taken place over 2 years...


I knew their forums once, had read them. But didn't know about the comment sections under the news articles. Never really bothered to check the main site. Also, this blatant encouragement to go and watch TLJ makes me think the owners supprt Disney's direction, or are "rewarded" by doing so. I guess for them any new SW cinematic product is better than none at all, keeps their forums alive. Even if it means kissing the devil's ass.
