First scene. The bombers were terrible.

Who builds craft that slow? They maybe heavily armed, but they were easily taken down.

They were probably supposed to represent B29's and flying in close formation to maximize offensive coverage. But they were terrible. What happened to the B-Wings, Y-Wings . Much more maneuverable craft and en mass can equally take down capital ships.

I think Poe got unfairly blamed for the lives lost. But his plan (no doubt greenlit by Leia) took down a fleet killer. It's like losing a squadron of planes to take down a Japanese battleship or aircraft carrier. What world do they live on. What a terrible plot point! #

It would have taken them years to build that ship with tons of resources, than it would to train a few pilots and build some bombers/fighters.


the real question is, how do you drop bombs in space like this


You just write a shitty story. It's that simple. ;)


True. I tried to think of ways to do it. Like it's attracted to the ship or the target has it's own gravity. The bomber will have to negate that somehow to prevent the bombs attracting to itself. But yeah, I agree with your point, since all the other bombers in SW are propulsion based.


They were close enough to a planet to have gravity to work with, and if they didn't there was probably some sort of bomb-launching device that didn't rely on gravity.

But it's totally believable that the REBELLION would have slow, clunky, vulnerable, gravity-dependent bombers that were not very useful in modern combat situation. Where the hell would the REBELLION get expensive modern tech? They're out of power and have few allies and less funds, they can't have the budget to buy new ships even if anyone will sell to them now that they're losing. Maybe someone donated those crappy ships because they wanted to be in good standing with the Rebels in case their fortunes changed, but whoever that was didn't think enough of their chances to give them anything good.


The bombers could still be pushing the bombs out, and even with no gravity, they would keep going until they hit something.

However, there was definitely artificial gravity inside that ship all the way to the exit on the bottom, so the bombs could still be falling until they pass through the gravity field, and then momentum carries them on through empty space.
