Don't like it?

Don't watch it. There, fixed your problems, and saved you time. Maybe go talk about something actually useful with your time


Yeah ....we get the same Losers whining every film since the prequels. They are scattered brained to say the least. They will all be lined up for every star Wars film before they die....


They're crazy, but not scatter-brained, they're insanely persistent. They're willing to spend YEARS complaining about a film they didn't like and trying to convince the whole world that they didn't like it either.

Of course they did the same when the prequels came out, they spent 10-20 years bitching about them. Until a Star Wars film starring a GIRL came out, then suddenly they like the prequels and hate the new films.


Exactly. They even love Lucas again...lmao....


loved the OT, didnt like the prequels, well the story was good but i hated the CGI , the choice of actors and some of the dialogue, loved rogue one, loved TFA, disliked TLJ , not everyone is that same


But if you didn't like it, you've already watched it... And you don't know if you'll like it or not until you watch it.

So, you decided to post something completely nonsensical and illogical?

FYI, I liked the movie overall, so my opinion on it is irrelevant for this post here.


Well I'm more implying if you didn't like it, don't watch it and move on with your life.

FYI I did too, and I know your opinion is irrelevant. I posted my review a few days ago on here


I bet those who hated it will buy the Blurays just to "complete" there collections...lmao....such bs....SciFi fannerds are the worst...


About the only thing worse is someone who goes out of her way to gather their opinions (that she admittedly loathes) and continues to tell said sci-fi fans why their opinions are wrong instead of avoiding them when she has a priori determined she doesn't like them.


"and move on with your life."

The only problem with that, though, is that the name of this site is "Movie Chat."

This isn't the place to shoot down the concept of chatting about movies.


True, but even things like this are beating a dead horse. We have to know when it's time to move on when the subject gets old


Do lead the way and move on.


How is one to know one likes the movie if one doesn't watch it?


That's just too logical for the original poster. He just wanted to feel like he had the moral high ground...but we know he doesn't, because he actually liked the movie. What a dummy.


thanks, that is what I feel about your comments ... IGNORED


Ignore me as well loser....wah wah wah wah wah....hahahahahaha


I'm not quite sure what you are getting at here. Are you implying your time spent talking about a movie is only useful if you enjoyed said movie? That's pretty tortured, twisted logic.


That's pretty tortured, twisted logic.

Just like the script for TLJ. It's really no wonder why he likes it.


Hate to pile on here mike...but your logic is all over the place here. As others have pointed must view to have an you have to watch it to know whether you like it or hate it. You act like discussing a film is a waste of time(on a site designed to talk about movies specifically) but that is exactly what you yourself are doing. You later mention it is time to move on...what??? The flick just came out!!! After 40 years of familiarity with a character the fans are supposed to stop discussing his demise after 5 days!?!?! And if you do like the movie...why would you not want discussions to continue for much much longer? You are familiar with the concept of no such thing as bad publicity...don't worry mike...people will most certainly not be discussing this installment for long...



mostly loved it, have a few complaints: the super retarded (for every reason) leia scene, pointless dark force butthole, repeat of the jedi emperor throne scene, still no explanation of reys power, guilt chewey into veganism...

does luke no longer talk to vader and obi wans ghosts?

the kid at the end with the force = HOPE

and luke is gonna be more powerful in renns head as a ghost ala obi wan and yoda in other films. luke wwent out like obi wan/yoda, he was ready to move to the next plane

i expected someone like benicio to circle round and use the bad guys cannon against them in the hangar after the good guys split

snoke was very powerfull and badass, killed by the 2 most important characters, showing how badass they are. i'd have liked that more if it wasnt already in return of the jedi though

everything looked super cool. especially the dog fights. visually awesome

bb-8 driving an att-att was pretty cool and unexpected. shooting coins part was gay

there has to be much more to reys backstory than this film says

reys face fattened up, she used to be hotter


Benicio Del Toro's character was pretty much a waste of oxygen/screen time


well i did watch it , and i didnt particulaly like it , does that mean im not allowed to discuss with fellow star wars fans ?
