Reviews by critics kind of high?

As a huge Star Wars fan I thought this movie, for the most part, was a complete mess. However, that's just my opinion and I know nobody cares.

From just a normal movie goer perspective, this is a good, but not great movie. It drags at times, has a lot of plot holes plus tons of CGI. I would give it a 7/10. I guess I just don't understand all the praise it is getting from the critics. How is it sitting in the 90's on rotten tomatoes? Critics' reviews seem higher than what they should be I guess.


You know that your 7/10 rating would contribute to the 90+ rating, not bring it down, right?

The 92% on RT means that 92% of critics rated the film a 6/10 or higher, with an overall overage rating of 8.1 out of 10.


Oh OK, I guess that makes sense then. Thanks.


I agree with you. I liked the movie, but movie critics didn't give it much of an actual critical eye, instead mostly choosing to just drool over it with vague praise and nonspecific conjecture.

Then again, maybe I just didn't read enough of the reviews.
