I liked The Phantom Menace.

It's just so crisp and colorful. All the worlds it introduces are unique. You get the feeling watching it that this is what the Star Wars galaxy would be like if they didn't have to fight the Empire. I think that people who hate on it are just losers would are jealous they can't create something this interesting. Sorry it didn't recapture your childhood, freaks!


Well okay then.



I’m not going to diss those who don’t like it, but I also don’t think TPM is too bad. Certain elements strike me as moments that entirely belong in the SW universe, such as the pod race and the droid invasion.


I liked how the Jedi are so calm and focused when going through droids like a hot knife through butter.




It's funny how this new abomination actually makes the prequels look a little better in comparison. At least George TRIED to tell a different type of story...


So you like bad story telling and terrible acting ?


Don't act me a loaded question like that. What's wrong with you?
