The best thing Disney can do

Have an animated series similar to the Clone Wars series that details the events leading up the Force Awakens. You can have Luke training Ben, you can build up Snoke as a character, you can show how the First Order came to be.

I would have liked to see an exploration of Kylo and Snoke's past and their dynamic, we learn where Snoke was during the reign of the Empire, possibly it would be explained that he was aware of the true nature of the chosen one prophecy that the two equivalents of light and dark would have to destroy one another in order to bring balance to the force, so he waited in the wings for the prophecy to be fulfilled by Vader and once Palpatine was killed, he took this opportunity to rise and take his place as the Supreme leader. Snoke would use Hux as the face of the First Order until turning Ben solo to the dark side.

We would see Luke sensing the anger and the hatred in Ben. Luke attempts to teach him calmness and patience, but Ben is shown to be the weakest of Luke's Jedi students, who have been able to demonstrate a great use of the force, unlike Ben who can barely focus enough to move a boulder from the entrance of a cave.

Snoke would communicate with Ben in his dreams using the image of Anakin and through Force/lucid dreaming Ben would give in to his hate and anger and is now able to obliterate the boulder, his anger brings down Luke's home, crushing him leading the other students to think Ben killed Luke. The students would attempt to destroy Ben but he would slaughter them all, except a few who become the Knights of Ren. "Anakin" would inform Ben of a powerful master Snoke.

The show ends with Ben turning to the dark side, Luke heading in to exile. That way the history is laid out between Luke, Ben and Snoke as well as the effect it has on Han and Leia.


Sorry...but no! No more trying to fulfill adult expectation or quell disappointment with more childish animation!!! I was really hoping for a heads on pikes suggestion 😉


Lol, it was just a suggestion of fleshing out the history and characters more. It seemed like a lot of the interesting stuff was just glossed over.


Yeah...glad you took the jest as intended!!! To be honest...if they took a more mature approach...sure! Anything that Would take the shame of his portrayal away would be a positive...but's Disney 😕


The best thing that has come out of this new trilogy is that their poor portrayal of certain characters has now peaked my interest in the Novels that were originally cannon but aren't anymore. I've been looking into them, they seem more interesting than what we have been given before. Instead of remixing the old trilogy, Disney should have just tapped into the Novels.


Thats true for me too. Now that Disney more or less destroyed the Star Wars movie saga I was interested for the first time into the Thrawn trilogy. Bought the comic used and going to read it. And the good thing there: Disneys Star Wars is so unbeleiavable braindead and have alm ost nothing in common with STar Wars that this trilogy would be way better for sure.

So thanks Disney for pointing me to the Thrawn trilogy (which brings you no profit at all :) ).
