I still think Rey is Luke's son...

Despite the fact that Kylo said otherwise and Rey felt that way in the cave. Talk about two unreliable sources. Only question is who is the mother. That other old woman (the one with the gonzo like nose, not Leia or Holder) is a strong candidate.




Son/daughter I don't think the movie was really clear on Rey's gender.


Gary Stu!!!


I don't agree. She is portrayed as a strong character that is a female and not a femonized character.


Right she's neutral. Hence no gender.


Rey is an ambiguous name as well. Good call.


Rey will be the first multigender jedi!
Applause Disney, Applause!


Obviously Rey should have been a Skywalker. Star Wars is supposed to be a Skywalker story. Anakin, Luke, Rey. This trilogy should have been handing on the Skywalker legacy to a new generation.

Of course that wouldn't work here because they couldn't make it seem like Luke did anything worthwhile or had anything of value to pass on. And then Rey's gross infatuation with Kylo would be even grosser because it would be incesty. And who cares about Star Wars traditions anyway, only pathetic backwards nerds care about that sort of thing.

Sooo... yeah. Sure am on the edge of my seat wondering about Rey's parentage..... SNORE


The problem is Abrams created the question without any answer in mind. Johnson didn't care to answer it credibly. And now we're back with Abrams trying to fix the mess that he helped create. Not happening.


If Rey is, in fact, a female I believe she will be sterile. No need to worry about any more Skywalkers in this universe. Which is what Darth Vader wanted all along. So really Kylo doesn't need to finish what gramps started.


Son? Rey is a woman. she is played by: Daisy Ridley.


What we are discussing is not Rey's sex, but Rey's gender. Rey has not self identified in either of the movies, and we want to give Rey the opportunity to do that instead of just assuming.
