MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Discussion > The Diversity police was strong in this ...

The Diversity police was strong in this one......

The Diversity police was strong in this one....... 90% of the rebels were black, asian and/or women...... the bad guys were of course 99% white ...... lame AF


How about a movie where a white middle class wards off an unholy alliance between international Jews and ghetto blacks, like Lord of the Rings?


Cool....but i prefer black panther, 99% black cast..... love the diversity 😆


I couldn't give two f*cks what ethnicity the cast is as long as it tells a good story. The problem with the diversity casting in the sequels (aside from the inherent racism!) is that it's like the writer(s) are so busy high fiveing themselves they forget to write actual characters.

Contrast Lando and Finn.

Lando: Charming rogue, ladies man, a former scoundrel who has now gone 'legit'. He's prepared to betray his friends but only for what he feels is the greater good.
Finn: Black Guy. From America. Circa 2015.

It's a fascinating example of where identity politics has gotten us. In the 80s the progressive message was 'it doesn't matter what colour you are' and now it's "Look, look we have blacks and Hispanics and women and everything aren't we great!'"

Well no, you're not. You've written a sh*tty borderline racist character in Finn and the most milquetoast sexless female character in history with Rey. Slow clap.


What's hilarious is that the people who complain the most about seeing female and non-white characters in movies are usually the first ones to say BUT I'M NOT RACIST OR SEXIST!

That's always the fun part of topics like this where the whiny supremacist snowflakes get triggered and start complaining.


I'm not sure if you're agreeing with me here Froggy or trying to imply that I'm a racist.


I'm commenting on the overall topic, feel free to wear whatever shoes fit you.

Actually one part of your post inspired me to comment in the first place, and that was right at the end when you straight-up criticize the Rey portrayal for not being a "sexy" female. Here's your snout:

So, at the very least, you're the worst kind of "toxic masculinity." I found that term annoying when I first found it, but as time has passed since then, I've found it all too fitting of a way to describe other guys who have always chafed me for making men look bad.


Well if I'm inspiring you to comment Froggy then it's time for me to stop commenting. And I have no idea wtf that pig mask is. Are you hitting on me?

"I'm the worst kind of toxic masculinity"? Really? Are you sure that wouldn't be oh I don't know, rapists or something? You show glimmers of intelligence now and then but you reallydo become an idiot whenever gender gets brought up. Desperate to overcompensate for something...?

And fascinating how people can just read/see what they want so as to force the world to conform to their world view.

I didn't criticise her for not being "sexy" and I didn't use that word - you even go so far as to put speech marks around it but I didn't say it. What I said was "sexless" as Rey doesn't appear to have a sex, she's just a blank slate, the absence of a character. She might be being played by an actress but there's nothing feminine about her. Or masculine. Or anything!

And she is sexy. Well, Daisy Ridley is at least - she is clearly a beautiful woman but this just amplifies the hypocrisy. Hollywood now thinks the epitome of progressive writing is to put females in lead roles & strip them of all character but are they going to cast an actress who doesn't look like a catwalk model? Are they b*llocks.


frogo has been on the grogo again.

frogo is probably the most sexist, racist poster on the internet. The irony.

I wonder if he/she/beta/etc will reinvent the past again to suit their argument?


Repeat after me: Men and women are biologically different.

You’re simply wrong. Hollywood ALWAYS writes females as imitation males. The nerd writers you wouldn’t dare criticize are the real “sexists”. They don’t have “toxic masculinity”. Are you crazy? They LACK masculinity completely, have no familiarity with women and can’t write for them. So we get cyphers.

YOU might be okay with garbage non-characters like Rey, but I’m not. I want real women in movies, and they’re extremely hard to find because social justice lemmings like you will white knight for whatever shiny new window dressing the millionaires in Hollywood dream up in their focus groups.
