Leia was a Sith Lord

The First Order were able to track them through hyperspace because Leia was telepathically transmitting their location to Kylo.

Kylo didn't shoot Leia, because they were secretly allies.

Leia flew through space because she was a Sith Lord.

Leia had Poe demoted because he was becoming too effective and single-handedly took out a dreadnoughts defenses.

Snoke was just a reainmated puppet being controlled by Leia.

Her ultimate goal was to kill Luke, and she succeeded.


If she was, why wouldn't she just wait for R2 to wake up in the Force Awakens to get the rest of the map and then use StarKiller Base to blow up his planet? Seems easier. But maybe she didn't become a Sith until after Han's death! The tragedy and pain of Han's death drove her to the darkside. Interesting...


I don't seem to remember her caring much about Han or Luke's deaths come to think of it. Just a small remark and then a strong focus on mary sue, i mean rey.


Lol that is true. It certainly would be an interesting twist if Leia became a Sith.


Cool, so even the third hero of the OT would have been at least morally destroyed. Thats why your theory is likely to be a real part of part IX.
