Star Wars: Episode IX with have a time jump?

According to John Boyega: he will grow out his hair so the next time we see Finn he will have a new look.

if episode IX does have a time jump I hope ray, Finn and the others will have a new look and new hair.

also a time jump might/could help fixed the problems of TLJ.

if there is no time jump then that mean the whole sequel trilogy take place in a week. so lets wait for what JJ Abrams have to say about this.


I think a time jump is definitely needed for IX and we will will most likely get one as it will give the writers a chance to explain away things. I also think one of the problems with TLJ is that it takes place almost immediately after TFA.


I think a time jump is needed for IX too. a time jump will tell us what happened to Leia and how she die.
