The only way this movie can redeem the sequels, or rather redeem the souls of the fans

is if Luke wakes up on his island or maybe Han wakes up on the falcon at the end and everything was a dream in one of their heads, yes it would be cliche but at least it means Jar Jar Abrams and even more so Ruin Johnsons shitfest never happened. It would also explain why Rey is Jesus and Leia has Mary Poppins powers and space has gravity. The movies already defies all realism anyway.


that is a lame idea. I want to see force ghost Luke and I want to see him haunting his nephew (ben/Kylo Ren) it would be nice to see Leia use more force powers.


I know it's lame but it would give me inner peace.


some ppl want Episode IX to be a 2-part movie.


Oh god.


i know. lame idea.


Probably not a lame idea to Disney execs who only see their own kids as part of an image contributing to gaining more money.


is if Luke wakes up on his island or maybe Han wakes up on the falcon at the end and everything was a dream in one of their heads, yes it would be cliche but at least it means Jar Jar Abrams especially, along with Ruin Johnsons shitfest never happened. It would also explain why Rey is Jesus and Leia has Mary Poppins powers and space has gravity. The movies already defies all realism anyway.

Fixed. Agreed but Jar Jar's crapfest laid much of the groundwork for Ruin who was tasked with turning a crapfest clusterf*ck into gold and failed miserably.


I'm convinced Ruin deliberately made it as terrible as he could, with a helping hand from his sidekick the wicked sjw witch Kathleen Kennedy.


I'll never give Jar Jar any slack for the simple reason that he could have come up with absolutely anything & all he could come muster was a crappy, clusterf*ck soft reboot of ANH riddled with plot holes & nothing boxes he knew naive fanboys would eat up.


TFA and TLJ are basically polar opposites, one takes no risks at all and the other abandons all rules. Maybe episode IX will be the middle ground and actually be done right.


Also I don't think "Ruin" deliberately set out to make a bad film. It makes no sense as he would have absolutely nothing to gain by doing so. I think he did the best he could (sad as that is)with the awful clusterf*ck mess "Jar Jar" left him to make sense of along with the constrains placed on him by Di$ney & company, namely Kathleen Kennedy.

Of course he completely bungled it but going the route of sidestepping Jar Jar's "Nothing" boxes is a decision I actually agreed with and that's one of the most common complaints from fanboys next to the awful treatment of Luke Skywalker which evidence suggests was very much being pushed by the Di$ney/ Kathleen Kennedy brigade. Luke needed to be taken down a peg & pushed aside to make way for MaRey.

TLJ sucked in large part because of the problems it inherited from TFA & I don't see how it could have been salvaged outside of nearly retconning TFA & going in a more inspired direction from scratch.


JJ can't be blamed for Lukes changed personality though, because he didn't have one in TFA. That was all on Rian, and it was the worst and most disappointing part of the film for me. If Rian had the best intention he would have listened to Mark's complaints, of course no one would know and understand Luke better than Mark himself, Rian did a Lucas and thought he was the be all end all, and now it's rightfully backlashing on the ones responsible.


Oh but he can!

It was JJ that sent Luke off into hiding it, was JJ that made Luke fail (off screen!) in creating the new Jedi order, it was JJ that had luke fail in training Kylo...

RJ's treatment of Luke makes sense given what we know from VII, and he also had to explain exactly why Luke didn't show up during VII (or the preceding years) in order to help fix his mistakes.

What didn't make sense was his compulsion to murder his nephew for thought crimes but again, here RJ is trying to shore up TFA shoddy writing by giving Kylo some kind of motivation other than a Vader fetish.


Failing isn't the same as just giving up, Luke failed in OT as well, it's not contradiciting his character because he isn't a mary sue unlike someone else, he is a real person and has flaws. I think JJ intended for him to come back and make things right in the end like a true jedi. I was fine with him going into hiding in TFS and i was curious to know more of what happened, Rian could've done something great with him if he wanted. Some other things in the story i can agree JJ was responsible for though. Not all is on Rian, but most is.


Yes, fair point and you're right: it's not Luke's failure that's the issue so much as his reaction to it (especially given his journey in the OT).


I notice you seem to arbitrarily make forgiving assumptions about JJ's intentions & negative ones about Johnson's. J.J. always had more power and influence over this Di$ney Wars trilogy than Rain Johnson which is why I feel he deserves the most criticism.

As it has been mentioned, JJ was the one who set up Luke as having not only failed miserably but also compounded this failure by running away for a couple decades, abandoning his friends to let the direct result of his failure rise to threaten the galaxy. That's not at all consistent with his reaction to his failures in the OT. TLJ merely confirmed what many of us had already gathered from his poor offscreen characterization presented to us by JJ in TFA.


Totally agree.

JJ essentially wrote a joke without a punchline in TFA and then expected RJ to come up the punchline that would make everything that came before it work. But it's not that easy, and why should RJ have had to write a story backwards? So he just 'subverted' everything JJ did by junking it. This said TLJ has many of its own issues but it would have taken a herculean effort to make a satisfying VIII after the disaster of VII.


Jj totally supports Rian. So it's not happening. Force Ghost Luke is the best you are getting.


Speak for yourself, and not "the fans".

I've been a fan since 1977 and I don't agree with you, I actually liked Luke's arc in "The Last Jedi". He's developed wisdom that the Jedi never did, with all their rules and restrictions, and he has carried it into the Force itself and from there will share it will all susceptible sentient beings!
