I hate this title.

The only title of the new trilogy that I liked right away was The Last Jedi. That's a solid title. I hated The Force Awakens when I first learned of that title, but over time I grew to accept it. I don't think I could ever accept "The Rise of Skywalker." What the fuck? Stop using the word rise! Not everything needs to rise. The Dark Knight Rises was already a terrible piggyback title to a terrible piggyback movie. Now every must rise apprently. It's the go-to word for sequels now. Fuck that. I don't love or hate JJ. I love Felicity. I like LOST. Regarding Henry was great and his Mission Impossible is definitely the best one. TFA is very fun, but did we need to bring him back? Look was he did with the second Star Trek movie: It was trash, a completely unwatchable movie. Last Jedi was at least very different than any of the other movies. I'm not saying I want Rian back either, but if I got a choice between only those 2 directors, I would choose Johnson any day of the week. JJ is great at beginnings and bad at endings. We know this about him. Got I hate this title; It's nonesense.


I think part 7 should have been called: The Force Gets Woke.


You've just demonstrated more creativity and insight than the combined talents of the Lucas Story Group in the last 5 films.


I hate this trilogy.


how have you been?


"Look was he did with the second Star Trek movie: It was trash, a completely unwatchable movie."
WTF? Are you retarded? The Wrath of Khan is the best ever Star Trek movi- oh, you mean the 12th Star Trek movie, don't you? Into Darkness was indeed dorky.


it IS lame....
since we already have the dark knight rises, and terminator: rise of the machines


Its basically the same as Last Jedi (Luke and Rey) and Dark Knight Rises with its various meanings (the Dark knight/batman rises out of his slumber after the events of TDK, the dark knight/Bruce rises out of the pit, and then finally the new Dark Knight (Bake) literally rises in the final shot )

And with this you had Luke Skywalker rises from the dead as a force ghost, Kylo rises above the dark side to become a Skywalker again, and Rey rising to become a Skywalker at the end


MI3 is easily the worst Mission Impossible film. The first one is still the best. Rogue Nation next, then the latest one. Then that dippy Ghost Protocol. 2 is some kind of weirdo out there movie, but at least it stylistically made some bold choices. Then you got JarJar's derivative dumpster fire. All it brought to the franchise was establishing some cast dynamics moving forward.

The title is god awful. Finally, the Skywalkers have risen and done something worth talking about, right? What a f'n joke.


Now that I think about it, MI3 was all about McGuffin chase questing just like this movie.


I just imagine if George had used 'The' for every movie and series he made, and the rest of the Kathleen Kennedy Disney movies and series.

THE Phantom Menace
THE Attack of the Clones
THE Clone Wars
THE Revenge of the Sith
THE Solo
THE Rebels
THE Rogue One
THE A New Hope
THE Empire Strikes Back
THE Return of the Jedi
THE Mandalorian
THE Force Awakens
THE Last Jedi
THE Rise of Skywalker


THE is not the issue, its Rise of Skywalker, there was no rise because the Skywalker lineage is over and dead. Rey is a Sith and NOT a Skywalker.

Force Awakens was about how Rey suddenly realized how to use her Sith powers
Last Jedi was about the death of the Jedi's. Rey is NOT a Jedi.
