What would you say the percentage is of people who like the prequels, sequels and the originals?

Because I honestly enjoy the PT, ST and, of course, the OT.

I was born in 94, grew up with both the OT and the PT (my mother had all the OT films on VHS and we watched them again and again and again). Then the sequels came along...and I can honestly say that I've enjoyed both instalments. I know they're not perfect movies, but that's just the way it is with all things. People have just set the bar too high all the time because the OT was SO, SO legendary. In fact, my order of favourite to least favourite Star Wars (Skywalker saga only here) movies is rather wacky. In fact, I don't think I've seen anyone with a list that even slightly resembles mine. Here it is. Best to worst.

1. A New Hope.
2. The Phantom Menace (sue me, this movie WAS my childhood and Qui-Gon is probably my favourite Star Wars character of them all).
3. The Empire Strikes Back.
4. Revenge of the Sith.
5. The Force Awakens.
6. Return of the Jedi.
7. The Last Jedi.
8. Attack of the Clones.

So yeah...pretty unusual order, I know. But I just think it's sad that the Star Wars fandom is so fractured right now, and wish more people were like me and enjoyed all the films.



Funny, sad and (probably) true all at the same time.


