Don't get mad at me, hear me out...

I'm not here to convert anyone to be a fan of this Movie or anything else.

How to put this mess of a movie in the Context that was intended? Many Fans aren’t going to like how this gets done.

First you have to put this Mess of a trilogy in context in relation to how they chose to end it. Then you have to go further and put the 9 film “ Skywalker Saga” in context with this mess of a 3rd Trilogy, particularly the Finale.

No one is Going to like this answer. But the Answer lies in Christian Mythology. I am not Proselytizing. I don’t go to church on Sunday and i'd advise anyone to forge their own Spiritual path thru the forest away from well beaten trail of Organized Religion, because charlatans and thieves lie in wait on that trail to rob you and lead you astray.

But there is no escaping Star Wars is steeped in Christian Mythology. I will focus on the original Trilogy, not the prequels, because the original trilogy is the whole ball of wax. Luke = Jesus the son , Vader = Old Testament God the father, Obiwan and/or Yoda = The Holy Ghost. It is Troubling to me ( Raised Catholic) how few Christians understand Jesus as The Prodigal Son. He Rejected his Father’s choices, he rejected his fathers view of the world. And he directly challenges his father to see things his way. And it is His choices that win the day in Return of The Jedi. His Choices that make Darth God the father, of the eye for an eye Old Testament Variety, decide to chuck the emperor down the shaft into the Nuclear Reactor of the Death Star.

Again, I am not Preaching here, just stating- this Mythos is in Star Wars DNA. I am not looking to discuss it’s Merits or all the Bad Juju that has been brought into the world by people grabbing power in the name of Christ. I am not looking to have a Philosophical Discussion on the merit of Christianity or Organized religion. Not Today anyway.

And Let me go on record now, before I reiterate it later – I am also Not Looking to defend the Merit of this Mess of a Movie and mess of a trilogy. It is very poorly executed, at best, being kind.

So Skipping ahead into the meat of the Trilogy starting with The Last Jedi since The Force Awakens was just a launching pad, a rehash, to set the table. Where Do We Find Luke ( AKA Jesus)? We find him self Exiled, full of self doubt, facing down the Agony in The Garden. Where do we Leave him by the end of the Movie? The Jedi Tree has Burned ( representing both the Tree of Knowledge in Eden and the crucifixion for the seeker of knowledge - Luke) ( FYI – The Nordic Son of Light was Crucified on a Tree, Mythologically, long before 36 AD). He had Resurrected, The King Of Kings, all of the force of your Weaponry unable to even scratch him, as an astral projection ( AKA EASTER SUNDAY, even if a hologram is a cheap representation of it) and Then He ASCENDED (disappeared into the ether and slipped the mortal coil as the Theme Music Swelled).

So how the hell does this lead us to a Palpatine restoring Balance To The Force, at the End of “The Skywalker Saga” in the Penultimate episode chapter 3rd of the 3rd Trilogy. Bad Storytelling and Poor Form? YES, Absolutely! But also, going back to Darth God, Remember him? ( Pitiful Story Telling!) The God Of The Old Testament. The OLD TESTAMENT- Original Sin Baby! Rey’s Guilty of it By Birth, She’s a Palpatine! But She won by accepting Luke Skywalker as her personal savior.

I'll avoid going into the implications of this theological Tire Fire of pitiful storytelling and I'd recommend you do the same or May Lando have Mercy On your Soul!



I'll agree with you that there are some similarities to the mess of this trilogy, and the mess of contradictions found in The New Testament between the purported words of Jesus, and the words of a shitbag fucking Pharisee named Saul.

To really capture the mess of the NT, however, a better comparison would be with the garbage content in the dumpster-fire known as The Old Testament.


Farisee is the proper spelling, as much as Pharisee feels so right, that it should be the proper spelling. But Paul/Saul wasn't what I was trying to discuss. I was trying to discuss this latest Star Wars Mis-fire. And what a mess it was even when you put it in the context of their half-assed intent.


Farisee is the proper spelling . . .

Whatever dude, you should go back in time and let the theologians that translated the King James that they got it wrong. I'm guessing you're one of those Zio-Christians that calls the christ, Yeshua, because he doesn't hear your prayers if you call him Jesus.

. . . or maybe you're just a Zionist.

But Paul/Saul wasn't what I was trying to discuss.

You don't have Christian mythology without him, 80% of The New Testament is his shit.


i Know, he wrote a lot of it and I'm not a fan. I only really care about the 4 Gospels and even then I have " My Own Personal Jesus". I prefer Kahil Gibrans The Prophet. Historical accuracy doesn't really matter to me in the least. I don't Know anything about The Zio-Christians You Speak of.
And Reverend Gary Davis is a guitar playing Blues Singing preacher who died 50 years ago who played and sang his BLUES GOSPEL and spoke frequently of his Zion. I like what I hear from Reverand Gary, But I doubt it is Theologically educated , but He had a personal Faith I can get behind, he never asked me to buy anything Wholesale except a song.
I am the wrong person to have a FACTUAL based Theological Discussion with. I'm the right person to discuss a diamond balanced on a blade of grass with.


The Force, the and the religion around it, are lifted almost wholly from Buddhism.


No, Before There was a Phantom Menace. I recognized The Christ Story in Star Wars. and Yes In The ONLY Good Trilogy of the 3 trilogies, the First one, They Played with a lot of Mythologize that mean a lot to a lot of people. But Luke as Jesus was the Dominant one. And Jesus overlaps Buddhism a lot.


OK Sorry I misread Your Post, Yes THE FORCE was Very Buddhist. But LUKE....
