Was it still possible to pull off an 'Endgame' after Last Jedi?

i actually thought TROS was actually ok and wasnt as bad as everyone makes out, had lots of nostalgia (even more than TFA) and kind of went someway to blending/paying homage to the OT and PT in a pleasing finale of all 3 trilogies.. so imo it only needed a few tweaks to turn it into something that would've pleased hard core SW fans/general movie audiences and critics and tapped into the 'Top Gun' feel good nostalgia breaking 2b like TFA even after the controversial Last Jedi and the Solo bomb (and like the way the previous final chapters Return of the Jedi and Revenge of the Sith had significant increases in box office over the middle chapter)

So a similar plot to what was (no prequel heavy 'Duel of The Fates' Ep IX) but removing some of the BS it got criticized for and adding stuff that'd make it feel more like Star Wars' 'Endgame' (the finale of all 3 trilogies/Skywalker Saga):

-Keep the Emperor (the villain of the 3 trilogies, coming to the fore in each final instalment) but instead of Rey being his granddaughter shes just a nobody (like Ren said in TLJ) an immaculate birth like Anakin

-no ridiculous 'Final Order' fleet of star destroyers (who built all them? and how?). instead the Emperor has something like an ancient doomsday device that threatens to destroy the galaxy or something whereby he can target anything anywhere all at once (Kylo Ren is searching for pieces that can activate it.. instead of whatever that 'wayfinder' BS was)

-we get a little bit of explanation of how the Emperor returned (and maybe some revelation on the Emperors connection with Anakin)

-no 'Chewies dead'/'no he's not' BS

-Luke has bigger role

-we go to/see some of the familiar SW planets from OT and PT (e.g. Coruscant, Cloud City, Endor)

-in addition to Luke training Leia flashback we get a flashback of the original trio together with young Ben Solo (1990s CG Ford, Hamill, Fisher)

-the final confrontation with the Emperor is longer and we see the force ghosts of Obi Wan (Alec Guinness), Anakin (Hayden), Qui Gon, Mace, Yoda, and Luke standing beside Rey (and the Emperor isn't killed off so easy)

-Luke or Anakin defeats the Emperor completely by extinguishing his life force

-no last dumb scene of Rey 'Skywalker' (liar)

-kill off Finn in the opening and Poe at the end :)


Before i saw the ending of RoS i tougth is was the best movie in the sequels, was really enjoying it.

But the ending really ruined it for me.

I agree with most of what you say. Maybe not the Finn and Poe part.

As the titel name was RoS i tougth that Kylo/Ben would redem himself by killing the Emperor once and for all. But nay. He was just a small distraction so Rey could finish the job.
Sure he gave his life force to bring back Rey from the dead giving up his own life, just so she can steal his last name. So it was all about her rising up and becoming a fake Skywalker.

Also the planet Exegol(?) There was like thousands of sith there, why not just send them out with the big ass fleet and conquer? How did they get all the man power to build all this and operating them, clones?

I think there will never be a new trilogy or tv-shows taking place after IX, there is no story to tell, all the bad guys are dead like the FO, the sith, the emperor looks like he died for real this time, but honestly i would not be suprised if he will be back.

Now the skywalker bloodline has ended.

All i can see now is prequel trilogys about the Old Republic and Revan.


I could see another Prequel trilogy happening charting the early days of the Jedi (KOTOR?) and maybe a movie about young Palpatine/Darth Plaguis; those might be enough to get fans excited for SW films again


Caught abit of Top Gun 2 last night (showing on regular freeview tv) and seeing Cruise in the old F14 and in all the air battles etc got me thinking wtf didn't we get to see Luke in his XWing blasting Tie's and going up against a star destroyer? .. So that shouldve/couldve happened at some point too (obviously Luke would've then had to have died in 9 instead of 8, probably in a similar way to how he did in 8 only against the Emperor instead of Kylo Ren)
