The Death Star II aspect is the STUPIDEST PART

I've just watched Return of the Jedi for the umpteenth time and been reminded of how the Death Star II was completely vapourised in the explosion of the main reactor, and then I think of how STUPID Abrams was to even conceive of the idea that a major section of it survived, didn't burn up in an Endor atmosphere, and came to crash right-side up into the ocean, with even the Emperor's throne room intact, when fans of ROTJ know that the throne room was on top of a spire above the Death Star II surface. The less said about that stupid knife as well, the better.

Why did Abrams do this? Sacrifice CONTINUITY just to enable his stupid retarded storyline? For the retro feels? The member berries? A so-called "cool" visual? It just DOESN'T MAKE SENSE, and is simply rehashing a completely-overused plot point, as well as BORING as hell!

I don't know how many fans of Star Wars like it mainly for the Death Stars or other planet killers and superweapons, but I certainly do, but I just wish the battlestations would STAY VAPOURISED, so new ones can appear - although I have to admit, Starkiller Base, the Death Star cannon on the salt planet in Last Jedi AND those modified Stardestroyers were just too much, even for me. I thought it just got sillier and sillier.

Give me Rogue One, A New Hope, Return of the Jedi and even the preview shots of the original Death Star in the Prequels, but PLEASE GOD, NO MORE SUPERWEAPONS!!!


This looks pretty vapourised to me:

As does this:

It never seemed remotely possible to me that there could be an entire section of Death Star II still intact that you could actually walk around in, but of course diehard fans always come up with some nonsensical theory:


Could it have been parts for a third Death Star?


Definitely not.


Sacrifice CONTINUITY just to enable his stupid retarded storyline?

Give me Rogue One...

"Don't act so surprised, Your Highness. You weren't on any mercy mission this time. Several transmissions were beamed to this ship by rebel spies. I want to know what happened to the plans they sent you."



Rogue One turned Leia from a senator-spy who got caught on one of her missions into a last-minute addition to a relay race who resorts to pathetic "the dog ate my homework" lies. I don't like this.

Also, the exhaust port was never a "plot hole," didn't need explaining, and I wish people would stop acting like that was genius or a much-needed relief for a flaw in the original film; it wasn't a flaw in the first place.

If people like the film, that's great. It wasn't for me.


And what a RIDE of a relay race it was. Rebels getting the plans in their hands and being offed by Vader one by one, until they finally (temporarily) escaped and it made its way to Leia.

No, the exhaust port was not a plot hole, but due to an Imperial officer with a CONSCIENCE. Are you AGAINST that? Or are you happier to think ALL Imperial officers are boo-hiss bad guys and NOTHING MORE? How fucking BORING, Ace_Spade!

Millions LOVED the film, including me! The ANH opening crawl basically sums up Rogue One in the first fucking PARAGRAPH! I'm surprised that a spin-off movie featuring that suicidal mission wasn't made sooner! And it's at least a PROPER Star Wars movie like the OT and PT, not that shitty ST with it's shitty Rey-centered wokeness!


100% agree.


What does it matter if it was one transmission or several? Maybe the Death Star plans were in a multi-part ZIP archive or something! Does that single line you highlighted REALLY invalidate the WHOLE of Rogue One? NO. So F OFF and go back to Doctor Who!!


Does that single line you highlighted REALLY invalidate the WHOLE of Rogue One.

Yes. Because the rebel plans were not transmitted to the Tantive IV as described in ANH.

What does it matter if it was one transmission or several?

"beamed to this ship"

Continuity. If you don't care "just to enable his stupid retarded storyline" that's cool. If you need to do that just to validate your "retro feels" that's also cool.

I was simply pointing the idiocy of complaining about it in one film whilst championing it in another...


The Tantive IV was inside that big Rebel cruiser commanded by that Mon Calamari guy. For all you know the transmissions were aimed at the BOTH of them, OR the Tantive IV took over the role of safeguarding the plans after the cruiser was boarded by Vader and the Stormtroopers and was deemed a loss.

That part of the Rogue One storyline IS NOT RETARDED, it's just open to interpretation in ANH's opening crawl and dialogue.

The Rise of Skywalker's Death Star II storyline IS RETARDED, because the fucking battlestation was vapourised in the reactor explosion, and yet, there it sits, with only minor damage, in the fucking ocean of an Endor moon. If you're criticising my thread here because you love the ST, then you've lost my respect, I will not listen to your lies and your "love" (BLEUGH) for the ST, and I most certainly will argue with you.


LOL - I hated the DT so much I haven't even seen TROS, so you're completely wrong on that score...

If you have seen Rogue One you are well aware the plans were not beamed to the Tantive IV. In fact the continuity was broken as part of the re-writes just so they could include that stupid Playstation 3 fan service Vader scene.

The reason you are prepared to accept one and not the other is just because you want to like Rogue One. If you wanted to like TROS you could write very similar self serving excuses, e.g:-

"For all you know Palpatine jumped and threw up a giant (the) force shield the moment the Death Star exploded around the throne room, so it would be preserved intact... It's just open to interpretation".

Now obviously that's just as hot garbage as giving Rogue One a pass but you get my drift...


In fact the continuity was broken as part of the re-writes just so they could include that stupid Playstation 3 fan service Vader scene.

Actually, that was just as bad!

You've got Vader at practically AOTC Yoda bouncing off the walls levels in Rogue One, then in ANH he's just walking down the corridor!

I actually read at one point some fans trying to give that a pass by saying he was "tired" by that stage! 😂


Well, Vader was much older by then, and even his breathing apparatus changed sounds after his exertions fighting Luke in ROTJ, and that was before he was zapped by Palpatine.

I see your points, however. True, I want to and do mostly like Rogue One, but it has issues like rewrites and poor character backgrounds, but it is truly fun to watch in the latter third. And yes, ST fans will defend TROS including the DS2 moment mentioned in the OP, but I've never liked the ST, nor ever will. I like Rogue One because of the original Death Star, that's about it, even though Director Krennic is one hell of a character and Jyn Erso is quite the looker, compared to Rey. No, I didn't really like Saul Garerra nor his creature puppet, Bor Gullet, don't care about the backstory for the former.

Fair enough, to each their own, and apologies for the assumption you love the ST :)


I mean the biggest issue is how the DSII debris contradicts the intention of ROTJ. A the end of ROTJ, it was clearly intended that Palpy is toast, along with the entirety of DSII. Even if larger pieces somehow remained intact, they would either be floating somewhere in space, or burned up upon entry to the atmosphere.

So no, there is no explanation that would not direclty contradict ROTJ. Palpy's return was clearly just handwaved, so "Somehow parts of DSII survived" was not that big of a stretch in JJ's mind, 'cos you know, if you open with something monumentally stupid, you can sneak in more and more stupidity throughout the movie. And ROS is a perfect example of that. It's stupid all the way down.


Vader did not get "much older" between Rogue One and A New Hope.
