
Vile movies like this poison your psyche. Especially damaging for teens. Do yourself a favor and do not consume this junk. It's really toxic. Do some meditation and yoga instead. Why would you put this poison into your mind?


So vhy did you vatch zis moviefilm??

Ask me anyzing, und I answer in GerMAAAAN!!!!!


I didn't watch zis film, Adolf. I wen't through this in a fast-forward mode. It was enough to conclude it's a poison.


So you DID vatch zis moviefilm?

I'm trying to underztand how your mind und spirit works:

-You: O mein God, a rape movie, I vould never vatch zose!!!
-You: Lets watch it.
-You: Ok, zan lets vatch zis moviefilm in fastforward.
-You: Ok.

Ask me anyzing, und I answer in GerMAAAAN!!!!!


How my spirit and mind works is irrelevant. This movie is a mind and spirit poison, and that's what is relevant -- no matter how you look at it.


Zat is not irrelevant. A mind und spirit zat can be poisoned by a generic horrormoviefilm is fascinating.

Ask me anyzing, und I answer in GerMAAAAN!!!!!


Ja, especially if it's an impressionable teen. It's very fascinating und faszinierende.


I didn't watch zis film, Adolf.

Both of you is hilarious.

Movie: The Conjuring 9/10
Song: Paramore - Still Into You 5/10


This thread just made my week.


Bitte, tell us und ze gang more about your week...

Ask me anyzing, und I answer in GerMAAAAN!!!!!



I admit I can be hilarious, but ze ozer guy is pretty depressing und fixated.

Ask me anyzing, und I answer in GerMAAAAN!!!!!


Ze ozer guy makes sense. What's depressing about it. Watching movies like this -- that's what is depressing. Do you need this depression in your life?


You are ze ozer guy.

Und NEIN, IMHO I don't zink its depressing. In fact, vatching women torture rapists makes me pretty happy und joylich.

- Ask me anyzing, und I answer in GerMAAAAN!!!!!
- IMHO = In Mein Honest Opinion.


It's not who tortures whom, it's the fact of torture and the general gory violence on the screen. But if this stuff makes you happy, maybe you should seek help of a shrink.


Telling someone who is feeling happy und joylich to visit a shrink, is a little weird und strange.

- Ask me anyzing, und I answer in GerMAAAAN!!!!!
- IMHO = In Mein Honest Opinion.


It's because it's a little "weird and strange" to feel "joylich and happy" about people torturing one another.


Zat vould be, if ze torture was real.
Maybe ze shrink vould love to talk to you about your urge to discuss moviefilms as if zey are real. Mein Gott, you must love Pokemon, wiz zat attitude.

- Ask me anyzing, und I answer in GerMAAAAN!!!!!
- IMHO = In Mein Honest Opinion.


I've heard that argument before many times. Guess what? Whether the violence is real or not does not matter. The fact that you watch it, and by your own admission, love watching it is the result of your have been already influenced subconsciously. In other words, you have been psychologically poisoned. Whether the violence is unreal or not isn't going to change anything. It still does affect your psyche, let alone the psyche of a teenagers who watch this drek.


Zan I have two more questions vor you:

1) Vhy did you vatch it?
2) Und how about ozer action/horrormoviefilms wiz death/violence/etc.?

- Ask me anyzing, und I answer in GerMAAAAN!!!!!
- IMHO = In Mein Honest Opinion.


As you hopefully remember, I watched it in the fast forward mode just to see what vile drek the Hollywood shows these days and be able to address it in my post.
I'm not against all violent movies actually, just most contemporary horror movies where gory violence is the sole objective and theme.


I remember vhat you said und am still surprised. Vhy ze hell vould you vatch it??

Zat is like vatching a porn moviefilm in fastforward, und telling your wife zat you veren't actually vatching it, whiz still doesn't explain ze boner.

- Ask me anyzing, und I answer in GerMAAAAN!!!!!
- IMHO = In Mein Honest Opinion.


Critics watch all kind of movies to be able to criticize them. Not that I'm a pro critic, but the concept, I hope, is familiar to you. BTW, I'm tired of repeating it (too ad you are not paying attention)that I fast-forwarded it. Why is it so hard to comprehend this simple concept for you? The total I watched, as a result, was about 10 minutes. Are you getting it, Adolf, or still nicht verstehen?



You are ze one who doesn't understand. You have got some big und great balls to call yourself a critic. A real critic vould not vatch a movie fastforwardlich, but vould really vatch it und give gut und complete critics.

Saying zat ozers don't understand und don't pay attention, just proves zat your ego is in ze way of reason. Are you also a German??

- Ask me anyzing, und I answer in GerMAAAAN!!!!!
- IMHO = In Mein Honest Opinion.


Ja Ja Ja. Another proof you are not paying attention. I never called myself a critic. I said, "not that I'm a pro critic". A fact is a fact, and if it stays in the way of YOUR reason, so be it. No, I'm not German.


Ach, but I am paying attention. You however keep contradicting yourself, wiz each attempt. Your ego is ze only poison here.

- Vhen zere is no more room in hell, women shall valk ze earth
- IMHO = In Mein Honest Opinion


What am I contradicting exactly, Adolf?


For starters, you didn't vatch zis moviefilm, but you did vatch zis moviefilm.

- Vhen zere is no more room in hell, women shall valk ze earth
- IMHO = In Mein Honest Opinion


I watched enough of this movie. 5 min in total is enough for this type of movie to form an opinion that it is a poison.


Zats funny, because I believe zat 5 minutes is alzo enough vor most people to vorm an opinion about you.

- Vhen zere is no more room in hell, women shall valk ze earth
- IMHO = In Mein Honest Opinion


I don't care.


"I didn't watch it"
"I did watch it I just fast forwarded through it"

Palm, meet face.


If you want to mess up with semantics, go ahead. The fact remains. You are poisoned.


Ze only poison here comes from your mouth (und keyboard).

- Vhen zere is no more room in hell, women shall valk ze earth
- IMHO = In Mein Honest Opinion


LOL! And you call that reasoning?



All I had to do vas to stoop down a little. Now vere on ze same level und I can understand you bezzer.

- Vhen zere is no more room in hell, women shall valk ze earth
- IMHO = In Mein Honest Opinion


That is your level, not mine. Your attempt to turn around the tables is pretty pathetic. And, please, stop this childish German spelling stuff. It's hard to read.


Turning tables? Zat is coming vrom you, herr Spin Doctor?
Und vhat is your problem viz ze Germans??

- Vhen zere is no more room in hell, women shall valk ze earth
- IMHO = In Mein Honest Opinion


My problem is not with the Germans. My problem is viz Adolf and his transliterations.


But no problem wiz ze language I see.

- Vhen zere is no more room in hell, women shall valk ze earth
- IMHO = In Mein Honest Opinion


What's so poisonous? I'm sure things like this happen everyday (rape and torture part) learn how to deal with real things that happen here. Everything isn't all love stories.


Yea, poisons in every form and shape are sold in stores, grow om bushes, etc. And that's also the reality of life. Yet, you will not specifically go and buy to ingest them just because you feel you need to "deal with this realities".
What I'm saying is that we have enough crap in real life to deal with. And yes, we, me including, deal with them. And if we can we avoid them. My question is why not avoid crap in any form when you can? Why purposefully put poison in your mind or your stomach (I'm speaking of crap food here) if you can avoid it?


what is next, we should all go to church on Sundays and watch fox news?
bitc4 pliz


I'm not following your logic. What does this have to do with church and fox news?


A lot of psychologists and spiritual leaders/saints do warn that these types of movies destroy one's spirit. The spirit is something we need to safeguard and this kind of filth kills a person's spirit and mind slowly from inside like nothing else can.


Ze warning is less about moviefilms und more about real images.
For example expozure through reality tv, or news (even newspapers).

- Ask me anyzing, und I answer in GerMAAAAN!!!!!
- IMHO = In Mein Honest Opinion.


Vas ist dein lieiblingsfilm Herr Speakz_German?


My favorite moviefilms are:
-Matrix (zrilogy)
-Star Wars (zrilogy)
-Indiana Jones (zrilogy, 4th sucks Cloud Atlas Balls)
-Ze Green Mile
-American History X
-Blade 1
-Sin City
-Und many ozers. Yours??

- Ask me anyzing, und I answer in GerMAAAAN!!!!!
- IMHO = In Mein Honest Opinion.


Couldn't agree more.


Ze shock of ze day is learning zat you are able to agree wiz ozer beings.

- Vhen zere is no more room in hell, women shall valk ze earth
- IMHO = In Mein Honest Opinion


I agree with everything reasonable, and that's obvious.


Everything in life posions, really, dont know why you would watch. I Watch to learn what not to do. People really are this sick in this world, Thats the posion, not movies. Why would you watch? I bet you have seen the human centipede too? Thats worse than this.


I like to pet my purple unicorn every day to make sure she doesn't ever feel abused or abandoned. Oh, that's right, unicorns don't exist. Just like your "spirit" doesn't exist.



"Hey, look at that! She's not crazy, she's being chased by a cheetah!"


Sometimes, one must ingest poison to build up a tolerance against being a pussy.
