This girl deserves an Oscar

Insane performence. As disturbing as the movie itself is it was imo much better than the first one and the acting from the victim was absolutely top class.

Wathing the third one tomorow probably but I cant see any performence top this.


I agree. She is awesome. Not every actress will agree to do a role like this. Unfortunately they don't give out Oscars for this sort of thing but it's a shame. It is not an easy role. So to see it so well acted by a very attractive actress is a real treat for those of us freaks who enjoy these films.


Everyone is in title to there own Opinion. ISOYG2 is not better than ISOYG both actresses where good! But I found the female in ISOYG2 her crying to be a little over the top an quite frankly a little annoying!


Both actresses did a great job.

+++by His wounds we are healed. - Isaiah 53:5+++


Absolutely. I loved the movie and she was flawless throughout. I remember feeling that way when I saw the first one a few years back with a different actress as well. You are spot on; the disturbing nature of the film only made her perfect acting that much more captivating.
