MovieChat Forums > I Spit on Your Grave 2 (2013) Discussion > 'hooooooooooooooooow MAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaany...

'hooooooooooooooooow MAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaany?' LOL

OK.. that HAS to rival Vader's "Noooooooooooooooo" in Revenge of the Sith.. I will give the flick points for at least TRYING to inject something different, a female villain, into the mix.. although they didn't quite so there with it as far as they should have, and as I said the film as it was was so over the top it was right near parody (and not in a good way).



I agree. Crappy actors are usually bearable to watch when they don't have many talking scenes. They just gave the bi[t]ch too many lines.


I also get annoyed by her screamings


so glad somebody mentioned this


I think she did the screams well enough to be annoying, as screaming tends to be.


But she wasn't a sociopath. If she was, the entire second half would have no significance whatsoever because sociopaths manipulate and use people all the time, which would make Katie no different than her torturers. You can't have bad men torture a bad woman and have her kill them off while still making it emotionally gratifying. If Katie was a true sociopath, it would have been nothing more than one evil person killing a group of other evil people. A true sociopath will have a history of unethical behavior, since it's kind of the diagnostic material needed to be labeled a sociopath by a psychiatrist.


it would have been nothing more than one evil person killing a group of other evil people.

That's pretty much the gist of these I Spit movies, isn't it? Anyone, woman or man, who horribly tortures 3-6 people to death is pretty much the definition of evil, no? No matter what had been done to them, torture is never justified. Torture is most the evil thing a human can do to another.

Shame on this perverted series by trying to glamorize rape and then even worse justify torture and murder as some sort of twisted justified revenge.


But it's not justifying the torture. You're supposed to feel conflicted about it, and if you're not conflicted it's the viewer that's feeling justified - not the movie telling you do feel that way.

I found a bird closing her eyes, one last time, and I wonder if she dreamed like me


Some horror film fan explained it this way: they show extremely psychopathic people doing extremely despicable stuff for fun.

And then you turn the tables, and use it as fig leaf to justify it. If these guys just sell her to the next rich *beep* this wouldn't be this sort of movie. It only works because you need the ugly pigs behaving ugly.

In any crime show, the only reason the show works is, because someone committed a murder. Most of the times the plot doesn't give any good reason for the murder, just because the murderer didn't think it through or acted emotional/in panic.

Its a device to make the movie working. It the same reason why the family, who got stranded in a motel, has "the right" to kill off every sicko with a mask annoying them. Without creating the situation and behavior, this wouldn't be justified.


Her over the top screaming kind of ruined it for me. It would have been better if she were calm and emotionless


On really romantic evenings of self, I go salsa dancing with my confusion


This part killed me. Worth suffering through the rest of the movie to hear it.


Blacknight, eye for an eye is in the Bible, so *beep* them - let her kill them


The funny thing is though, that bit of the bible she leaves for the priest to see (vengence is mine, I will repay says the lord) is specifically about how people shouldn't take revenge on each other because it's god's job to decide if someone needs punishing and what that punishment will be. Like literally the line before that says don't go around getting revenge on people yourself. I guess she (or the person that thought it would be a cool addition to the plot) didn't bother to read that bit first ^_^


Her over the top acting was the only thing that made this movie bearable in my opinion. She at least made her scenes memorable.
