Which one is best?

I have only seen the first one.

Day of the Woman (1978)

I Spit on Your Grave (2010)

I Spit on Your Grave 2 (2013)


1. I Spit on Your Grave 2 - combination of horror and production value
2. Day of the Woman - horror, but no production value
3. I Spit on Your Grave 2010 - production value, but not enough horror

Sadly it looks like I Spit on Your Grave 3 will be the worst.


1) ISOYG 2 - Better production and acting.
2) ISOYG - So satisfying, but production wasn't that great.
3) DOTW - Good, but hated the way it ended.


1. 2010 - a MUCH better movie than the original and the performances were amazing!
2. 2013 - great production but mimicked the first a little too much...and some of the acting from the rapists was iffy
3. 1978 - everything seemed amateurish to me

But that's just me...


I.S.O.Y.G. 1978: 4/10
I.S.O.Y.G. 2010: 3/10
I.S.O.Y.G. 2: 1/10
I.S.O.Y.G. 3: 1/10


Yesterday Starz Encore played these one after the other and I taped them all.

I Spit on Your Grave (2010)

I Spit on Your Grave 2 (2013)

I Spit on Your Grave 3: Vengeance Is Mine (2015)

So if any of you like the I Spit on You Grave movies you should check and see if the Encore Channel is going to rebroadcast them in order. They usually do repeat their movies.

Anyhow one day I am going to grab some beer and have a I Spit on Your Grave marathon! LOL

After I do I will come back here and let you know which one I thought was best.


Yay for free watchathon week! I watched all four too. They were all good for different reasons:

1978 original: Hokey but good. However, right away she sealed her fate when she told them she was renting that house, would be there all summer, and that she was new to town. She may as well have said, "Hey! I'm gonna be all alone in a place I am totally unfamiliar with and I don't have a boyfriend so there's no way anyone will be coming to my rescue! Come violate me!" She was just inviting trouble at that point, not that what happened to her is justified but still....how stupid can someone be?!!!

2010 Remake: I was expecting more from the rape/torture scenes. I guess movies like "Hostel" and "Saw" and the level of sex and violence in movies (and our culture in general) these days tends to numb us to it (and if you want REAL twisted tales, google "Girl in the Box" and read the book about it - now there's some real life sickness that's way worse than what happened to the girl in this movie). The anal penetration act in this one was not as horrific as the one in the original so there's that. I'm still conflicted as to whether the mentally-challenged guy Matthew deserved punishment. They are debating it here on another thread and both sides have valid points. Can't say which guy had it worse because they were all equally horrifying tortures.

2013 Version: This was the best one, IMHO. The rape/torture scenes were just BRUTAL!!!! Especially what that fat *beep* did to her with that electrocution device! I was physically cringing. But what she did to her tormentors just made my jaw drop - now if you're gonna do revenge, that's the way to do it! Like the 2010 one, I don't even know which guy suffered most - maybe Gregori because I've actually survived MRSA and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy (and if you don't know what it is then the line about him needing antibiotics is enough to figure out what was going on with his infection). Personally I would've just taken the priest's help and tried to get the hell out of the country and put all that *beep* behind me but this is the movies and revenge kills is why we watch.

2015 Sequel: I had a hard time sympathizing with Jennifer in this one. Clearly she is still holding onto her resentment even after five years and hanging out with that ball of anger Marla was not helping. Maybe the first two kills were justified but then I just lost all sympathy for her and at that point she was just beyond crazy. This movie was a bit of a let down. Also, this would've been the perfect time to let us know what happened to the sheriff's daughter from the 2010 remake but yet again....we're just left to draw our own conclusions (my guess is that she never did anything to the daughter or wife, she just wanted him to THINK they were dead).

The government is in cold storage at Roswell. Aliens are running Washington.


I watched these two over the weekend. I Spit on Your Grave (2010)

I Spit on Your Grave 2 (2013)

I liked both of them but you got to suspend disbelief a little. How those two petite women could move those big heavy guys after knocking them out would be almost impossible.

In the second one I Spit on Your Grave 2 (2013) the guy she followed into the church must of weighed 300 pounds.

Especially what that fat *beep* did to her with that electrocution device


The first one is more realistic in the way she gets revenge. The 2nd was a little grosser in the revenge but the worse showing of rapes. The 3rd has more torture shown than rape.
