MovieChat Forums > Arrival (2016) Discussion > Am I wrong to be disappointed by this me...

Am I wrong to be disappointed by this messy movie?

Just watched it tonight and came to say I'm disappointed by this choppy movie. I haven't read below comments but I love Amy Adams in everything including this. But the movie was a mess and she carried the only torch in the entire film. The story line and undeveloped plots and characters left a hell of a lot to be desired. I considered watching it again tonight, but meh. This movie has been done before in so many other ways, only better. And frankly, it's a shame it was such a let down because really Amy did do her best with the direction and material she had. So sad. Waited along time for this to come out on DVD.


No, you are not wrong. It is abysmally boring.


Amy was fine but the film dragged and dragged. Great concept, poor execution.


I agree that the film dragged.

Not as bad as a Terrence Malick film, but very one note.


This film is as overrated as they come. Scifi fans were just thrilled to finally have an alien movie that didn't involve gun battles and exploding bodies. This one is going right in the dustbin of history. It's not going to live forever on cable. It's a dud. The ideas in the story are very cool and some ideas are just meant to be short stories.


It was fucking abysmal.

Thank God they brought a genius in to... write the word human. Obviously none of the other five million linguists would have come up with that.

Christ, this was the worst piece of navel gazing shit I've ever seen.

Just atrocious.


One of the reviews on IMDB described the movie as an 'Absolute stone cold scifi masterpiece." I know. But I wanted to believe it so I saw it. Arrival is a 'stone cold scifi masterpiece' if Mac and Me is a stone cold scifi masterpiece. Stupid ass alien rendering. Even M. Night would've given us something better than calamari. Somebody owes me dearly.


Potentially one of the most overrated of 2016.
