MovieChat Forums > Arrival (2016) Discussion > What would you do if you were in Louis's...

What would you do if you were in Louis's shoes.

Just follow your fate?


Amy Adams's feet is quite small so i don't think my feet can fit in her shoes


(Spoilers) Not at all. F the heartbreak of slowly losing your kid.. and KNOWING the whole time. On top of that your husband leaves you because you can't handle the burden by yourself anymore. Life is depressing enough, I would not put myself through that intentionally.


wow you mean would make it so your child never existed? You wouldn't savour the love and affection for 15 ish years because there's pain at the end of it? ugh that's the worst thing I've ever heard

Someone who disagrees with you is NOT a hater 😉


I would not bring a child into the world if I knew beforehand that she was going to die a horrible death in less than twenty years. My decision would result in zero suffering. Your decision would result in much suffering for the sake of your selfish desire for a few years of enjoyment.


> I would not bring a child into the world if I knew beforehand that she was going to die a horrible death in less than twenty years.

Cool, but how do you reconcile that with the fact that you've already done those things. Time is non-linear for Louise, and if you were in her shoes (or you took the time to immerse yourself in the Universal Language) you would view time as non-linear, too.


I don't understand what you mean "what would I do"? If my brain was wired to view time non-linearly then there's no distinction between what I have already done and what I am going to do.
