looks awful

cgi robots, knockoff Transformers


Robots in this film are not mechanical aliens.

Nice try, though.


So how did this film get made when the first was a box-office disappointment?


$411 million for a film not based on an existing property (comic book, reboot, sequel, etc.) isn't awful. I think the real factor is that after it left theaters it developed something of a fanbase and following, along the lines of Blade Runner. Personally, I disliked the film and won't see the sequel, but it makes perfect sense that one has been made.


I hadn't realized it had a bit of a fan base, when the film came out it seemed like I was the only one who liked it.


Question... You didn't like the first, and won't see the second...so what the hell were you here for?! What the f*ck is wrong with you people?!!...Like SERIOUSLY!


I can't enter into a discussion of a film that I'm not particularly interested in seeing, and doing so makes you think something is wrong with me? I guess you and I use these boards differently. I think it's equally interesting to discuss films I like as it is to discuss those I dislike. Plus, take the context of the post into consideration: I wasn't randomly bashing the film, rather I was pointing out that the original was financially successful so a sequel wasn't a surprise.

I might ask you, why are you so angry? If it's confusing to you that someone might want to discuss a film he doesn't particularly like, it seems that it would be even more strange to randomly insult a stranger for his choice of film to discuss.


I liked the first one but I agree that this not look very good.



"About 80% of it has neither giant robots or giant monsters. Just people, having not-that-interesting interactions. Plain Godzilla syndrome. And for all that, the characters are still less engaging and developped than in the first movie.

Believe or not, there isn't a SINGLE Robot/Monster fight before the last 20 minutes. And then..it's bland. It takes place in broad delight, in plain sight, while the night atmosphere was so quintessential in the first movie. Similarly, a single Jaeger defeated multiple Kaijus in Pacific Rim. Here, four of them charge together, and they're just...bad. Can't kill a single ennemy.

As for the final move that eventually kills the super-Kaiju (pretty rad, I have to say), it is both quite anti-climatic and very dumb (a smaller Kaiju survived a direct nuclear explosion, this one is killed by a falling robot, really ?).

Uprising fails in everything that made Pacific Rim great. By comparison, there's almost no giant fighting, and what little there is is bad. I guess it's somewhat okay as a sci-fi movie that is marginally about giant monsters (which, again, you don't see for most of the movie) and (pretty bad) giant robots. As a sequel, it's a major letdown."

From one of the reviews... so basically like a different kind of Transformers The Last Knight movie which that one also did bad.


I liked the first one, but this one looks terrible. The special effects don't look too special.
