
Most of these new edgy and very funny female comedies are from Jewesses. Can gentile women be funny?


Can you be any more bigoted?

How to create an atheist: read the bible twice cover to cover.


Noticing a trend is not "being bogoted".


Oxytocin and vasopressin are powerful hormones that control humans and how they trust other humans. People analyze your outward appearance, or on social media, your professed beliefs and avatars, to decide if you are in one of their social tribes. Those include ethnicity, religion, political leaning, economic class, or even music tribe. If they can make connection to the other person by some kind of tribal affiliation then the oxytocin can flow and it feels good to bond with a new person.
Tribal members are given altruism and benefits but the flip side is treating people outside your tribe badly. This had some benefit to human history over competition for food, farmland, hunting grounds and as in the past, it gives rise to racism and bigotry.

We have nukes, stockpiles of biological weapons, planes that can fly us to any part of the world and internet or phones that can potentially let about person chat with any other person at any time. Our old tribalism genes can lead to conflicts that rage any where about the globe that needs to support a future 10 billion humans where water and food supplies are already nearing the limits of availability.

Yeah, we need to come to grips with tribalism and bigotry if humans are to keep a viable earth to live on.

How to create an atheist: read the bible twice cover to cover.


Lol, you are so utterly full of sh!t, it's ridiculous! I've taken cultural anthropology classes and I'm pretty liberal but you, sir or ma'am are the epitome of the term SJW. Please go back into your hole and stay there!


You got aggressive when you can't understand the point being made.

That's on you. You act like SJW is some bad thing. It wasn't SJW that were threatening to rape female game designers to death.

How to create an atheist: read the bible twice cover to cover.


Aggressive? Lol! I'm sooo sorry I hurt your feelings. Please take my sinceeere apology.

Also, way to stay on topic.


You really are misreading my message from conotation to denotation along with emotional content. It's pretty bad.

What's funny is you did exactly what I described above. Labeled me as another tribe, "SJW", used that as some basis to discredit me and proceeded to treat me as an outsider.

I'm bemused that your behavior is so typical of human tribalism.
You haven't the ability to hurt my feelings.

How to create an atheist: read the bible twice cover to cover.


Okay, this us my final response since you are one pretentious, stubborn, dense individual. I have clearly bothered you, and that wasn't really my m.o. My intention, which I apparently need to state explicitly, is that YOU (and other SJWs) are the reason so many people hate liberals (and your signature is why so many people hate atheists).

You have gone out of you way to point out bigotry where none exists. When the OP points out that it appears (to them at least), that most female comedians these days seem to be of Hebrew decent, and asks if non-Jewish woman simply aren't as funny, it's simply an observation, not a devicsive, racist statement.

When you go out of your way to tell people that they are wrong, when they are just noticing differences in cultures, you become part of the problem. People, both individuals and cultures ARE different. Pointing these differences out isn't inherently a bad thing. Asking questions is how we learn, even (or maybe especially) as adults.

Your problem (and other SJWs) seems to be that they want to be righteous SO badly, that they feel the need to find injustices where none exist. Your opinions are your own, and I certainly wouldn't try to change them, but when you blindly attack strangers online (the OP, not myself) and resort to personal insults, you yourself become the one who is dividing people. The whole point of liberalism is to be tolerant and inclusive, but you clearly seek to do the opposite. Dial it down a notch and consider before you type, "maybe this person is just curious?" Save the other sh*t for the Holocaust deniers and Trump voters, they've probably got it coming.


Dial it down a notch and consider before you type, "maybe this person is just curious?"

So you are saying that this is an innocent question from someone truly ignorant?
"Can gentile women be funny?"

With the number of people making snide remarks on these forums and since this OP clearly knows the difference between Jew and Gentile, I gave the probability that it was just a slight at Gentiles an 85 to 95% chance. The fact that they didn't even capitalize Gentile was a clue to their intent of leveling an insult against non-Jews.

Calling him/her a bigot was not an insult when the evidence was high they were trolling and presenting a bigoted opinion. I never mentioned 'racism'.

I also clearly pointed out they are flat wrong as there are a preponderance of female Gentile comedians and a nightly viewing of @Midnight will evidence.

Again, you are trying to classify me as some SJW (I had to go look it up so thanks for the new knowledge) yet I'm not in any organized group and I'm entitled to express my opinion when motivated to. You call me a liberal yet I voted for Reagan in my first two elections.

You have failed to properly classify my into your world view but at least you tried!

How to create an atheist: read the bible twice cover to cover.


Yeah, so distinguishing whether a comedian is Jewish or not is not bigotry. Bigotry requires an intolerance of differences.

As for your tribalism rant, you're again assuming that distinguishing differences implies that everyone will automatically treat different as inferior.


The OP's comment was straight up bigoted not because they identify Ilana and Abbi as Jews. Inferring that non-Jewish female comedians can't be funny is utter bulls hit bigotry.

Anyone that watches @Midnight will see a long string on gentile funny women.

The inherited tendency of almost all humans is to treat someone else differently if they are not recognized as part of one of their tribes. Can some people overcome their inner biases; sure, but the percentage of people that do is low.
Witness The_Frennis' behavior above.

How to create an atheist: read the bible twice cover to cover.


The more scarcity becomes an issue the more tribalism will be important. Me, my family and so on first.


That is something to consider.

Was debating on YouTube about whether suicide terror attacks are Muslim rooted and I made the point that a much more affluent nation of Indonesia with dominant Muslim religion, but allows for 4 other religions and the Bugis 5 gender roles, doesn't give rise to these kind of terrorists numbers.

The studies out there show 2010-2012 crop shortages in Russia and China (who sell surplus to the Levant region) brought on the Arab Spring uprisings. The war in Yemen reports widespread water shortages and famine. The radicalization, wars, migrant crisis are stemming from the earth approaching 9 billion humans and food and water limits being reached.

We don't get solar, tidal, wind supporting major desalination projects along with nanite filtration advances the wars are going to be never ending with suicide bombings becoming a weekly event.

How to create an atheist: read the bible twice cover to cover.


ladies from guam are laugh riots. 



How to create an atheist: read the bible twice cover to cover.


How to create an atheist: read the bible twice cover to cover.


How to create an atheist: read the bible twice cover to cover.


How to create an atheist: read the bible twice cover to cover.


How to create an atheist: read the bible twice cover to cover.


How to create an atheist: read the bible twice cover to cover.

