MovieChat Forums > Broad City (2014) Discussion > Bevers is the most annoying part of the ...

Bevers is the most annoying part of the show!

Get Bevers out. No one in their right mind would put up with his *beep* KICK HIM OUT ALREADY!!!!!!!


She can't kick him out as long Bevers girlfriend is paying the rent on the room.

His character is probably one of the least annoying sitcom sidekicks. He reminds me of Kramer.


His character is probably one of the least annoying sitcom sidekicks. He reminds me of Kramer.

Are you sure you didn't mean most?


Since Bevers actually doesn't live there, whenever his girlfriend isn't home (which seems like always) then Bevers shouldn't be there. He has no reason to be there without his girlfriend plus he eats Abbi's food and doesn't pay rent.

So, Abbi can kick him out if his girlfriend isn't around. I sure as heck wouldn't have allowed him and his sister to hang out there during the hurricane, especially if he was supposed to go with his girlfriend to her parent's house.


realistically there are like over a million Bever's living in NYC.


I'm not big on his character either. But Max_Sydney is right; so long as his girl is paying rent.... He probably won't leave til the very last episode. Which will be when we are the roommate.



Bevers is fantastic. Why would you want to remove such a rich source of conflict and humor?

He's Broad City's George Costanza: The Perfect Loser.


Bevers is a loser? He has a hot girlfriend, pays no rent, and plays video games all day. Seems like a pretty sweet life to me.

"I'm doing good in the game, so I'm doing good in life!" - Charlie Kelly


You make good points, but just like Costanza's gaming of the system (eg. Office with handicapped bathroom) it doesn't preclude him from being a massive loser.

I am expecting a future episode where we find out that Abby's roommate broke up with Bevers a long time ago and he's been exploiting it.


The humor in the show overall is more intelligent then the type of gross stupid humor he provides. The main characters are funny enough to survive without that tw*t Bevers!


Broad City has that weird humor, but its original and funny, Beavers doesn't fit that, I'm fine with him being that weird guy on the couch, but when he's extended, its not good, like the episode when they are on the boat.


personally I find any character John Gemberling plays to be
the most annoying part of that show. Not many people I hate
the sight of but he makes this show un-watchable for me. Too
bad as I love both the leads but as he becomes more prevalent
in season 2 I have to stop!! Sorry :(


This whole cliche of fat annoying loser has been done to death, in my opinion. And Broad City is so fresh and bright otherwise that Bevers really sticks out. What's worse for me is that he plays the EXACT SAME ROLE in Marry Me, another show I like to watch. That's too much Bevers for anyone.

I've got a remote and I'm not afraid to use it.


I can not STAND that goober. He's just the obnoxious awkward fay dude you just can't get rid of.


I understand that the show needs a foil for the leading duo, but he is just plain annoying and unlikeable. His presence doesn't mesh with the overall tone of the show.


I can appreciate him more now that I no longer work with a smelly, insufferable neckbeard, lol. He still needs to be thrown out of the apartment though.
