MovieChat Forums > Whiplash (2014) Discussion > Are Homophobic Slurs Motivating?

Are Homophobic Slurs Motivating?

I liked this movie but one thing that really bothered me and kept violently yanking me out of the film was the vulgar, homophobic insults and taunts Fletcher kept throwing at his students.

I don't understand why the insults had to be homophobic in nature. Is the idea of being gay so disgusting and embarrassing it automatically makes you try harder? To me it was an easy out and really lazy writing. It's like how when someone is possessed in a horror movie that's characterized by saying really sexually deviant things. Here it's like the only way you can motivate males is by questioning, demeaning or insulting their sexuality. Why is that?


I don't expect intelligent commentary from anyone who actually uses the term 'homophobic' -- simply a knee-jerk term for anyone who doesn't wholeheartedly agree with everything on the Official Queer Agenda.

I've never met anyone who actually FEARS homosexuals, though I know quite a few who think their political agenda is a crock of crap.

It's sort of like 'racist' -- automatically used by any political whore when someone doesn't buy into the totality of the most extreme Black Racist agenda.

I've been called racist just because I don't believe th government should be giving preference to ANY race. What a crock of 5hit.

Both terms are the last resort of someone who has no real logical argument..


people talk like this, not everyone stops before they speak to wonder who will find the word they are about to say ignorant and disgusting.


Honestly someone needs to shove a dictionary down your throat (along with anyone-else who pathetically links homophobia to 'FEAR.') Great of you to capitalise that word - as if it's any way important. The definition of HOMOPHOBIA is any level of 'DISLIKE or PREJUDICE' against homosexuality. That's it - a fact, and your opinion does not effect how true a fact is. Quite frankly, people who actually think homophobia is about being SCARED of gay people are idiots.



Homo and phobia are words with meanings. Not only does it mean "fear", but it specifically means " irrational fear". It's a loaded term used to commandeer language in debate. Kind of like when an atheist defines "supernatural" as "something outside of the natural", and then defines "natural" as "things that exist", ergo, "supernatural" doesn't exist by definition. It's also like when racist low iq blacks foaming at the mouth get called out for being racist while supposedly being against it, and then they define racism as something only whites can do. It's also like calling supporting abortion "pro choice". By that logic, people can claim to merely be in favor of "choices" when they support anything. It's orwellian.

Please excuse any typos, this was typed on an iPad


CAR and PET are also words with meanings.
Does that make a 'carpet' a domestic animal you keep in your vehicle?

This person claims that homophobia doesn't exist -
Because he doesn't know anyone that is scared of gay people.
That's idiotic.
Yes, black people can be racist. But's that's an irrelevant issue.



I'm afraid of bears. And sharks. And pretty much every snake, because I don't trust my ability to tell snakes apart.

However, I'm do not fear them when they aren't an imminent threat, and I don't feel any need to legislate their mating activities, their co-habitation arrangements or their career and entertainment choices. And, in fact, I'm vaguely in favor of steps that might be taken to ensure safe habitat and conditions for them.

If I didn't, and instead advocated working towards their eradication, even when I'm not at a specific risk, then I'd say that I'm Selachophobic, Ophidiophobic, and Bear-ophobic.

Apparently, dogs are wolves with Williams-Beuren Syndrome.


If there were snakes that were spreading HIV and causing random people to become infertile, and legislation would curb a large percentage of this by merely affecting the behaviors and choices of the snakes so that they no longer spread HIV, you would be an imbecile for not supporting said legislation. Nice false analogy though, I corrected it.

Please excuse any typos, this was typed on an iPad


Wow how to reach new levels of idiotic. Good job. Maybe in your world carpet also refers to a little carp fish.


Evidently you don't keep up with current events. What words should be used, because depending on where you live, there are plenty of people who hate, and fear minorities, and homosexuals.


homophobia is more a fear of homosexuality itself than homosexuals. some guy's son is hanging around his friend a lot and being secretive about it? he's AFRAID his son might be gay. maybe he finds out one of his son's teachers is gay. he might be AFRAID that the teacher will try to "turn" him gay. he's AFRAID that a gay man might hit on him. of course, just about any homophobic person will put up a front of anger and pretentiousness to hide their fear and insecurity. it is a fear, but none of them will admit it because they're so insecure that they can't admit to being afraid of something. they're AFRAID that someone will judge them as "weak." the fact is everyone who strongly opposes gay marriage and hates anyone who isn't heterosexual is very afraid of something.

Well Tony, nobody wants a war. If we can't do business why we'll just shake hands and that'll be it!


I've been called racist

NO!!! You don`t say?

Hahaha we believe you, buddy. Is n*gg**lover a BS word? Because i`d like to see your reaction to be called a n**gg**lover.



Only homophobes would be motivated by that.


any kind of insult or slur can be motivating if you aren't the type of person who buckles under pressure.

Well Tony, nobody wants a war. If we can't do business why we'll just shake hands and that'll be it!


Fletcher is a dick.


You kind of miss the point with your question. He found your weakness and used it. You've picked out homophobic and he wasn't - he just knew it would hit the target. Same as using the chap's mother after deliberately creating intimacy to find that info out.


Fletcher heaps so much abuse on his students that they commit suicide and get into car accidents. He delivers psychological abuse by the barrowload on a daily basis to these kids and you think the "other f-word" was what went too far?

What about when he tossed out racial slurs?

The point of what he's doing is to work his way under their skin any way he can, and yeah, hurling sexually-charged abuse at them is part of his arsenal.



Totally agree...Fletcher used so many slurs and foul words that I developed a disgust for the character. His brutality was uncalled for. If people are exposed to this kind of behavior by anyone, they become bitter and hateful. That is sick & evil!
