MovieChat Forums > Whiplash (2014) Discussion > Seriously? This movie was awful. Why is...

Seriously? This movie was awful. Why is it so highly-regarded?

Yes, the acting was great especially from the legendary JK Simmons. But I take issue with the message that it basically justifies physical and psychological abuse to achieve "greatness".


--Michael D. Clarke


Not "justify" it. It merely portrays what the focus and dedication it takes and the prices you have to pay to achieve "perfection" and how it can damage you. Art is much worse in this than sports, for instance, because there is no clear measurement of what makes someone great.


That's a good take on it.

JK Simmons was fantastic in this.

--Michael D. Clarke


If you have to be abused to achieve Perfection. Than its not fucking worth it. Also he wanted be great at Jazz. Which mean even if he was great. Nobody would give a shit. Its still a shitty movie that glorifies abuse.

Perfection is a delusion. Perfection requires someone else to be inferior in order to win. - Deborah Bravandt


"Abuse" is a relative term when it comes to practicing something to perfection. Kobe Bryant said that he used to get up at 4 AM so he could have one training more per day than his teammates. Someone would call that self-abuse. Same for Ronnie Coleman, who was one of the greatest bodybuilders - he can barely walk today. Ballerinas ruin their feet practicing. Beyonce's father used to make her run around the block while singing full voice. It all depends how much you are willing to try and sacrifice for your goals. And all of them had trainers and teachers who pushed them. Are some of them abusive assholes - of course. Abusive assholes often create the best, because they care more about the goal, than comfort of their student.

And being a great jazz musician usually means you are a great musician - period. They are some of the most versatile and proficient artists. Popular music of today is, essentially, simplified jazz.





Wow - I politely disagree. I thought "Whiplash" was one of the best films of the 2010s.

I don't know about the "message" either. The movie probably leaned more towards indicating Fletcher's way of doing things (abuse) does not work for most people. One student commits suicide, another starts weeping while Fletcher tears into him. I don't know that it worked for Andrew either - Andrew was self motivated. If you recall, he takes it upon himself to get rid of his girlfriend because he feels she'll be a distraction. Andrew was a man on a mission, with or without Terrence Fletcher.

ANyway, I thought "Whiplash" was terrific.


And respect for your perspective.
Everyone is allowed to like and enjoy whatever they like, in my perspective.

Having grown up with music, all my life, been in bands, jazz bands, written and recurred and been on radio, i understand the entire context of the film.
And I thought it was awful. Way to hard to suspend disbelief to allow his actions or just see it as a funny fantasy, just to out side to accept it as interesting musical study. But the music was excellent.
Other than that, TO ME, this was totally stupid shit I will never watch again.


Well maybe it's different for you because you're a musician.

Perhaps if a Terrence Fletcher came you way - you'd have punched him in the mouth.

Personally one is more towards the athletic type. I had a couple of coaches get in my face - but nothing like Fletcher's activities.

ANyway, looks like we're off on this movie - no problem, to each his own. Best wishes.


Exactly. And it is okay to politely disagree on movies. :) all good
