Is Julie to blame?

Look I thought this season was amazing but I can't deny somewhere along the way she *beep* up.

I'll admit I love Klaus with Caroline but I'm not a crazy shipper. Do you think Julie should have relented and brought her on TO earlier on? Would this have saved the ratings?

A lot of the time she tends to be very defensive about the writing of the show but shouldn't you also consider putting up storylines that the viewers want as opposed to ones you think are suitable?

She has no shows left if this is cancelled. Man I'm bummed out about TO being potentially cancelled because I think it's the best in it's genre.


*flexes fingers before beginning to type...

Is Julie to blame?

Ultimately, yes. She’s the showrunner, she’s in charge. Every decision from casting to the direction of the story is on her.

I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately (because I’m still not over it - I stopped watching after S2) and for me, it comes down to this:

You had a group of characters on a well-received show who quickly started to outshine the main cast. These side characters, who were villains, quickly became favorites. Again: these side characters, who were villains, quickly became favorites. They were a family of villains and they were complex. They equally loved and hated each other. They struggled with themselves and each other.

You decide to pitch a spin-off featuring said villainous, complex family. So far, so good. But at what point did you think, “Hey, we’re going to take these beloved villains, this complex family, and completely shift focus and feature a baby and redemption instead of what I know the fans already love?”

The crossover fans loved the villainous and complex family dynamics. They could be good - but they could also turn on a dime and be bad. That was the appeal. Not a baby. Not redemption. And definitely not an outsider who will eventually become their savior.

The crossover didn’t need redemption nor did they need a baby brought into the mix. The Originals should have been a powerful, supernatural, mob-like family drama, along the lines of Peaky Blinders or The Sopranos. That is what I had hoped for. Even though I'm a huge Klaroline fan, I was 100% down with a story like that.

A lot of the story lines could have still worked, with some minor tweaking.

I flat-out refuse to watch anything in the future with her name, MN or CD's name attached. They knew from the beginning what was working and what wasn't, but they were too stubborn to admit it and/or change tactics until it was too late.

Wow. I'm proud of myself. This wasn't as rant-y as I thought it would be. 

Security is an illusion. Life is either a daring adventure or it is nothing at all. Helen Keller


@OP: short answer - yes.

But Narducci and Dries aren't innocent in this either. They all took a premise that could have been great, and *beep* it up with baby mama drama, witch crap and whatever that was with the wolves.

The Originals should have been a show about the Mikaelson family. Instead, we only have two, with the rest stuck in a revolving door of stupid reasons (see Finn and Kol, who die repeatedly, and Rebekah, who never stays for more than two episodes at a time). I love the show when it highlights the complicated relationships between them.

It just rubs me raw (still) that this show could have been so great.


It just rubs me raw (still) that this show could have been so great.
Same here, friend. Same here. It just kills me to think how great this show could have been compared to what we actually got. All the ingredients were there - how did it come to this?

Security is an illusion. Life is either a daring adventure or it is nothing at all. Helen Keller


Instead, we only have two, with the rest stuck in a revolving door of stupid reasons (see Finn and Kol, who die repeatedly, and Rebekah, who never stays for more than two episodes at a time). I love the show when it highlights the complicated relationships between them.

It is not their fault if Clair does not want to stay full time. They have still kept Rebekah alive which should count for something. I have said this many times, they should move Rebekah to another actress who wants to remain on the show full time.

Finn never moved to the show. They brought him back, in my opinion, to give him a proper good bye which he didnt get last time and before his death he was accepted by his family. In my opinion that was a huge development family wise.

Kol is still on the show even though he had died before TO was launched. Lets see how his story goes in season 4. This show is still about Family. Hope and hayley are part of family. Marcel is family. Cant a family expand?

This show was always going to be about KLaus, Elijah, Rebekah, Hayley and Hope. If it were to include Finn and KOl then Jp wouldn't have killed them in TVD.

It just rubs me raw (still) that this show could have been so great.

Season 2 and season 3 reflected on the bold part. The bad blood between them but still their struggle to stand by each other. I would call that complicated relationship. They hate each other but they love each other and they hate outsiders who hate their family member. Marcel relationship with Klaus and Elijah.. that is the height of complicated relationship. I would say that KC2 and EH relationships are also definition of complicated relationship. Even Aurora/Klaus relationship.... Elijah/Ava relationship... complicated. The show does focus on complicated stuff.

What more could they do? they gave us complicated relationship and family.

I think the problem would have been resolved if Hope and Hayley were accepted as family from get go, which didn't happen for some reason.

People want Klaus to be happy, have his happy ending already. How can he, when the show is still on? This show is about his journey more than others. He will get his happy ending IN THE END. People think that finding a love interest will give him happy ending. I used to think that too but I am not starting to think that his happy ending with be accepted by the person he wants to be accepted by and that is Hope. He wants to be a better person for her, maybe a person he was when he was human.

------Choose your relationships wisely. It's better to be alone than to be in bad company------






I think Plec is developing a new show Recon but now for the much bigger network Fox.
And of course the executive producer is to blame but not alone. The Network can influence like they did last season with Stefan's crossover and Caroline's phone call to Klaus.

There are shows with increasing viewing over the years such as Game of Thrones or The Walking Dead and also shows that stayed stable after an initial decline like Supernatural. Sometimes a dissatisfying show gets new showrunners like Shadowhunters.

TVD started with over 3 million viewers, more than Game of Thrones, but fell to lees than 1 while GoT rose to 9 million.

There are many reasons, I actually blame the end of relationship drama. This board once was uber active discussing the possible romances Klaus and Elijah could have. It was so intense that someone had to start a non romantic thread. All that is long gone.

"Art is magic delivered from the lie of being truth"


This board once was uber active discussing the possible romances Klaus and Elijah could have. It was so intense that someone had to start a non romantic thread. All that is long gone.

yeah it was. I remember those good old times and then ...

I still think most of the poster of this board are best people I have encountered online. I have to admit that despite a few set back this board is still the best board I have encountered on IMDB.

------Choose your relationships wisely. It's better to be alone than to be in bad company------


I miss the days this board was alive and kicking. But it seemed to die off pretty quickly - people disappeared as they realized the show wasn't what they wanted. I was pretty disgusted with the latter half of last season; am hoping the new run is much improved. Or maybe I'm just a masochist.


It was so intense that someone had to start a non romantic thread. All that is long gone.


I've made a few threads like that back when the forum was more active.

As someone who never watched TVD...well who watched maybe five minutes of it and turned it off when they saw Stefan writing in his diary, I liked the fact that romance wasn't the point in TO. As far as I know, the show was always billed as more mature, which catered to people like me who didn't like the teenish ways of TVD.

In Season 1, I think the problem was that I wanted Klaus to spend more time talking to Hayley. Not romantically. Both come from complicated backgrounds and didn't have proper parental figures in their lives. Along with trying to find their place in their world, they would also try to figure out a place for their kid.

I don't know why, but the two characters had maybe 3-5 short scenes together. Maybe it's because Phoebe got a lot of death threats or the creators were afraid that there would be backlash if they showed the two of them together, but I think the show suffered a bit because of this.

Instead of having the two parents try to figure things out, they had them at odds and never really talking to each other. Hayley then started to have feelings for Elijah, which would have made for an interesting story line since Klaus would be afraid that Hope likes Elijah more than him, but that didn't really happen either.

Klaus was too obsessed with taking back the city from his son and Hayley was too obsessed with Elijah. The conflict of two parents trying to find their place didn't happen and the conflict of two parents who don't really like each other didn't happen because they never had any screen time together.

Hmmm, you know what. I think the issue with the show is that the characters don't really interact with each other but react instead. There are so many complexities in this family drama, but the characters never really talk to each other. There's always a big baddy to deal with, which is fine and dandy, but I want more from the characters. Romance is the weakest part of the show, so even if Caroline came in the show wouldn't improve in that department.

Cami, for example, has a rich NO history but she was regulated to being only by Klaus' side despite having relationships with Davina, Marcel, Hayley, and Elijah.

Davina and Hayley started to have something going, but then that fizzled out. Marcel and Hayley should have more to their relationship considering he knew her parents and helped save her from werewolf genocide. All of the witches should be trying to kill Marcel, considering how he persecuted them for so long.

The show has great characters, but they don't utilize them properly.

So it's not the lack of romance that's the problem. It's the lack of character interactions.

[insert witty comment here]


Hmmmmm....I didn't expect to write such a long post.

[insert witty comment here]


In Season 1, I think the problem was that I wanted Klaus to spend more time talking to Hayley. Not romantically. Both come from complicated backgrounds and didn't have proper parental figures in their lives. Along with trying to find their place in their world, they would also try to figure out a place for their kid.

I don't know why, but the two characters had maybe 3-5 short scenes together. Maybe it's because Phoebe got a lot of death threats or the creators were afraid that there would be backlash if they showed the two of them together, but I think the show suffered a bit because of this.

Instead of having the two parents try to figure things out, they had them at odds and never really talking to each other. Hayley then started to have feelings for Elijah, which would have made for an interesting story line since Klaus would be afraid that Hope likes Elijah more than him, but that didn't really happen either.

Klaus was too obsessed with taking back the city from his son and Hayley was too obsessed with Elijah. The conflict of two parents trying to find their place didn't happen and the conflict of two parents who don't really like each other didn't happen because they never had any screen time together.

I think a lot of people started to get disgusted with this development. Despite him trying to make the city safe for his child, he came of as someone who was ONLY interested in being the king. By the time they resolve it in season 3 it is too late to get that lost interest back. Saying that and considering who KLaus is, I think what they did there was better than them jumping right into the developing their relationship in s1. It would have been unbelievable if he had jumped with both feet in with that baby story and trying to have good relationship with Hayley from the get go. That is not who Klaus is. That is why I never bought his chase for Caroline. It took him three damn years to open up to Cami about his feelings. I mean yes he discussed his feeling with his therapist but if she were not that he wouldnt have opened up to her so early in the series.

It's the lack of character interactions.

Some yes and some more than should have shown to us.

Cami, for example, has a rich NO history but she was regulated to being only by Klaus' side despite having relationships with Davina, Marcel, Hayley, and Elijah.

Cami was always going to be there to facilitate Klaus as forecasted by a few so no surprise there for me. I had hoped in season 1 for her to be psychologist to the whole family (God knows they all needed it) but at the start of season 2 I realized that no, she is just there to be a love interest for Klaus. Thankfully they made her do something more than that in season 3. They showed us some flashbacks where she was having some genuine psychology talk with Klaus...

------Choose your relationships wisely. It's better to be alone than to be in bad company------


I think a lot of people started to get disgusted with this development. Despite him trying to make the city safe for his child, he came of as someone who was ONLY interested in being the king. By the time they resolve it in season 3 it is too late to get that lost interest back. Saying that and considering who KLaus is, I think what they did there was better than them jumping right into the developing their relationship in s1. It would have been unbelievable if he had jumped with both feet in with that baby story and trying to have good relationship with Hayley from the get go. That is not who Klaus is. That is why I never bought his chase for Caroline. It took him three damn years to open up to Cami about his feelings. I mean yes he discussed his feeling with his therapist but if she were not that he wouldnt have opened up to her so early in the series.

I agree that it wouldn't have made sense for him to jump head first in the baby mama drama and I feel like he only tried to become the king of NO as a way to run away from all that.

He was probably terrified at the prospect of having a kid and reacted in a bad way, since it hurt his relationship with Marcel and everyone else around him. I don't mind this, but there should have been more to this story. Maybe a monologue here and there about Klaus wanting to be a good dad but not knowing how, or how his clashing with Marcel could help him understand what it means to be a father.

Instead, Marcel, who was a slave whose white father beat him due his skin colour (if I'm remembering this correctly), had to deal with his adoptive father who abandoned him and then tried to ruin what Marcel created. Klaus viewed Marcel as a son, but Marcel clearly had issues from Klaus trying to control him, due to his relationship with Rebekah, and the whole abandoning thing.

But nothing was done here. Well, nothing in the sense that there was so much potential here and it was wasted.

Cami was always going to be there to facilitate Klaus as forecasted by a few so no surprise there for me. I had hoped in season 1 for her to be psychologist to the whole family (God knows they all needed it) but at the start of season 2 I realized that no, she is just there to be a love interest for Klaus. Thankfully they made her do something more than that in season 3. They showed us some flashbacks where she was having some genuine psychology talk with Klaus...

I'm not saying that it wasn't forecast, but considering how much they built her up and gave her a proper history in NO they could have done more with the character instead of just making her the love interest. Her family was cursed to die horribly, so her death was already foreshadowed, but they could have done more with Cami and had her interact more with the other cast members.

[insert witty comment here]


I agree that it wouldn't have made sense for him to jump head first in the baby mama drama and I feel like he only tried to become the king of NO as a way to run away from all that.

He was probably terrified at the prospect of having a kid and reacted in a bad way, since it hurt his relationship with Marcel and everyone else around him.

There is a theory that when he said "kill her and the baby" he was scared there too. He was acting all macho and uncaring but I remember tears in his eyes when he had heard that heartbeat. He just didnt like to be manipulated by Sophie and others.

Maybe a monologue here and there about Klaus wanting to be a good dad but not knowing how, or how his clashing with Marcel could help him understand what it means to be a father.

Actually there was a scene between him and Marcel in 109 about him wanting to be a better dad to Hope, I think. But yeah there should have been more. I think his resentment when Hayley and Elijah blamed him for wanting to use Hope's blood to make hybrids could be taken as a sign for wanting to be a good/ protective father. He also had a scene with Hayley towards the end of season 1 in that nursery where he told her that he wanted Hope to be raised in her family home with her parents. Alas... Good times.

I wonder after all the hardship they have gone through and finally reaching a point where they can fully trust each other, will they be good parents to Hope as a team?

Klaus viewed Marcel as a son, but Marcel clearly had issues from Klaus trying to control him, due to his relationship with Rebekah, and the whole abandoning thing.

Marcel clearly had/ has issue with Klaus and they are natural. Every father/ son has issues. Those issues unfortunately have been multiplied by 1000 because of Elijah's meddling. I dont know how will they resolve it now. They have to resolve them. After all they are family.

But how did Klaus abandon him? Marcel ran them off the town by calling Mikael. Klaus thought Marcel had died. I dont recall, does Marcel say that Klaus abandoned him? I know he has beef with Elijah for doing so but with Klaus too?

but considering how much they built her up and gave her a proper history in NO they could have done more with the character instead of just making her the love interest. Her family was cursed to die horribly, so her death was already foreshadowed, but they could have done more with Cami and had her interact more with the other cast members.

Bold part is the major issue with a lot of fans. Could have.. Yes a lot could have been done with many characters but that is not what was planned for them by the writers and show runners.

------Choose your relationships wisely. It's better to be alone than to be in bad company------


I dont know what do you mean by did Julie make a mistake? Did she make a mistake in not bringing Caroline to the show? No. Caroline never fitted with Klaus and his family. They are not on the same mental level.I would say even Hayley or Cami both were not on the same level but Hayley is family through Klaus child so her being part of the show made sense. Cami was his conscious I think. I remember one of leah's interview before the start of season 3 but I didnt get what she meant but after watching season 3, I get it now. Caroline doss not have a place on this show just romantic. She could never have been Klaus's conscious like Cami became.

WOuld bringing Caroline to TVD have saved the ratings? Of course but only because of the hard core shippers. Klaroline is the biggest ship ever and they are still hoping that KC will get together, still so yeah the ratings would have improved but you have to remember that TO was never meant to be romance show unlike TVD. TO was supposed to be a family. A broken family. I think it is brilliant what she did with bringing a child into the mix. Mikaelson's have faced a lot of things during these 1000 years but this, Hope is something new. This show is still about family. Hope is family. She has not even clogged the screen that much to hate on that character.

As for bringing Caroline to TO. In what capacity? As his love interest? Why do people keep forgetting that even on TVD Caroline was NOT interested in Klaus in romantic sense. She was attracted to him but no, she was not in love with him. Why would she have uprooted from her home town and come to NOLA? Klaus wanted her there but she didn't want to come.

I am still on bench with some of the story lines on this show but saying that she beeped by not bringing KC here is bs. Over and all I think she has done a pretty good job. People are just upset because this screwed up family which seemed so united in TVD is expanding and is not as tight as they thought it was in TVD. People are upset because these screwed up people who were not explored in tvd have bigger flaws that were never show in TVD. I think giving them these flaws in tvd gives their characters dept.

I dont understand why dont people get why Hope was brought into this story. As per JP she would have done the baby story even if Mikalesons had not gotten their own show so there. She was brought in for the family, for Klaus. KLaus needed some reason to redeem himself. She is the basis for this show. KLaus was lured to NOLA because of her. She is the glue that brought the family together in NOLA. Yes they do have rough patches on the way but still she is the glue.

------Choose your relationships wisely. It's better to be alone than to be in bad company------


To be honest this makes me cringe, it makes me grateful Julie is developing shows for other networks because this thread basically became about why she and Narducci should have centered the show on romantic sentiments, or somehow gotten the spinoff a season earlier under a different premise and been able to sign Claire, Nathaniel and Casper prior to conflicts entering the picture.

The premise of the show works. I wondered how they could possibly get Klaus to where he is today and a large part of that is Hope and the way she makes him and his family see things.

The Vampire Diaries has crashed because Nina Dobrev was holding the show up as the lead- when you lose your lead, shows have a tendency to die. Because and I found a link the other day , the article despite the title quoting the fact Julie wanted seven and the WB/CW wanting more.
What's happened with The Vampire Diaries is sad and for more reasons than one.

I was discussing this last night with my best friends and one of their partners and talk turned to my tastes, and apparently why I liked TVD. I said The Originals was everything I've always said, that instead of centering around relationship drama.

Also said point blank it's probably why the show is ending this season. The Originals doesn't fit the network. The show will get new viewers who had no idea this show was on the CW because outside of a few CW shows like Supernatural, it doesn't have the relationship drama, doesn't put the plot or characters to the sideline for it.

Julie is to blame, for any show she develops for this network from here on out. I'm not sure what shift in management the CW needs but no one wants to watch the network of relationship drama- Roswell was romance as is Gilmore Girls, which is getting a revival arc that is generating so much buzz, but those shows had a plot and centered on characters more. With Gilmore Girls, all the accolades are going to go to Netflix which is the CW's loss. The WB at this point might prefer the situation where one of their legacy, popular shows is getting its finale on Netflix than a network actively avoided.

Klaroline is wanted by a small segment of shippers, it's about as reliable a metric as people who fell in love with Jensen Ackles and then only watched his episodes on Dark Angel. It wouldn't have been a fractional point added to ratings but have chased viewers away.

I'd rather the show end than become pandering to the CW's raison d'etre because this way, The Originals will get watched, enjoyed and loved for years to come by people who have no idea what was supposedly missing to what a Caroline was... 'some girl mentioned in two episodes?'.

The first rule of truly living, do the thing you're most afraid of -Rebekah Mikaelson


As usual great post.

The Originals will get watched, enjoyed and loved for years to come by people who have no idea what was supposedly missing to what a Caroline was... 'some girl mentioned in two episodes?'

^^ this...

------Choose your relationships wisely. It's better to be alone than to be in bad company------


You're absolutely right but I just meant to point out, a large segment of viewers hopped on from TVD were expecting TO to be slightly more mature but still keeping that theme. I would like to believe that what delena did for TVD, Klaroline can do for TO without distorting the show too much? Wishful thinking I suppose haha.

On another note CW has been suffering for a long time in the ratings game and as you said if the show no longer fits their network, it doesn't stand a chance in hell.

Now that it's at the helm of cancellation, I just I'm just thinking of what went so wrong. This season was so strong and to have it end on such a *beep* note sucks???.


Allison Nina Dobrev wasn't holding the show up. She left on her own accord because of the drama between her and Ian. I get that you don't like Nina or Elena. I disagree with you about that.


Nina Dobrev was holding the show up- and considering Elena is one of my favourite characters and just because someone says an actor was holding a show up, doesn't mean I feel they have an obligation to said show. I like Nina and I'm not sure where you got the idea that I didn't. I liked Elena throughout her run on TVD.

The drama around Ian seems to be his own issues- unless we're going off tabloids which while entertainingly salacious, are mostly bad fanfiction. The tabloids are also insisting Nina and Ian are going to lead a Twilight reboot.

The first rule of truly living, do the thing you're most afraid of -Rebekah Mikaelson


Plec/Narducci 100% are, but it is 100% not cause of Caroline. Fans wanted a show that revolved around the Original family in their relationships. Thus why it's called The Originals.

Instead, we've got two brothers as regulars, one of whom has been horribly miswritten and mishandled to the point of being completely unrecognizable as a character (Elijah), and the other of whom we're supposed to be actively rooting against because he's evil (Klaus).... despite the fact that he's the most popular character of the bunch (thus why KLAUS is the main character over Elijah, Rebekah, Hayley, etc.), the show is supposedly about his redemption (in which case shouldn't there be a point we start rooting FOR him instead of against him for three years in a row?), and the fact that literally everyone on this show is a terrible person (sans, like, Cami. Who's dead now AND liked Klaus!) so "evil" doesn't hold much water at this point. Kol and Finn are constantly in a dead/not dead revolving door for no discernible reason whatsoever, Rebekah left (which, fine, if Claire doesn't want to come back, Claire doesn't want to come back, but what the f-ck was Plec thinking to NOT make Maisie a main?! And shouldn't this emphasize how important getting Kol/Finn back as permanent mains is?), Mikael was underused AGAIN, and Esther is the only one who has been semi-properly utilized (and even she got wasted after the first half of S2).

Instead, we've been given a show that revolves around Hayley, who was absolutely reviled on TVD and is played by someone who can't act. Davina, an obnoxious brat who's writing is one-note. Marcel, who had potential at first but has devolved into being one-note and repeating the same stories, and Cami, who actually had tons of potential but the writers refused to actually utilize and/or develop her (also, she's still not a Mikaelson and I want my damn Original family, please). They sold the show on one premise and delivered something 100% different we didn't want, so we quit watching.


Yes, that's the short answer to your question...the long answer...
Prepare for an early morning rant...seriously yesterday I was listening to Lady Gaga new CD Joanna and "Perfect Illusion" and "Million Reason" reminded me of TO. TO was a perfect illusion for me b/c S1 was SO GOOD...I couldn't believe that Julie and Co wrote such a good season. I thought well maybe Julie is making up for her many many bad choices on TVD, which I gave up after S3. Then we get to the Jackson and S2 era and I'm like here we go again. From the start I didn't like the whole "love triangle" mess they were forcing on Haylijah. I loved the Guerrera Wolves storyline and would have liked to see them in control at lot longer than we had them. I wish Jackson could have been bad (since we found out that his family was the family that actually killed Hayley's family). But they had to stress that he was a "good guy" (boring and stupid sense Hayley didn't even love him the way she loved Elijah). Such a waste of time, when S2 could have been about the Guerrera Wolves and S3 could have been about Mikael and Ester coming back...instead we got the STUPIDEST storyline (IMO) for S3 which was the sire line mess. I couldn't believe the laziness of these writers. First Lucian and Aurora (I can't even). The "real" KLAUS would have been killed Lucian after his stunt with Cami. After we saw Klaus kill an art critic for not liking his painting...your telling me Klaus wouldn't have killed Lucian on the spot for what he did to Cami...I'm calling BS. Lucian got to do to much stuff for Klaus or Elijah not to act. And not to mention Aurora after all the stuff she did to Cami. IMO the writers made The Originals weaker to make these so called villains stronger. B/c let's be real Klaus and Elijah could have easily killed both of them before any kind of elixir could have been made to make Lucian have superpower. And fav...the main reason after Kol that I watch TO was so out of character too. First your telling me Elijah the BROTHER who would do anything for his brothers redemption wouldn't destroy the elixir that could hurt said brother when he had the chance but instead gave it to Freya for safe keeping. the "real" Elijah would have destroyed it on the spot. And I choose to ignore Freya b/c she is completely useless to me. And I couldn't even tell anything after that b/c I didn't finish the season b/c it was dumb. I learned via Twitter Cami died (WTF AND what a waste) then also via Twitter I found out Davina also died (again WTF AND what a waste). And I think I've seen people say that Lucian and Aurora is still alive...AGAIN WTF!!! I seriously can't deal. So both of my ships died and the two psychos are still alive. And I LOVE me some Kolvina and Klamille. Then I found out via Twitter (I love Twitter) that at the end the writers gave us an Haylijah scene. So I went on YouTube to watch the clip and it was good...I LOVE Haylijah but I feel like the writers gave us that b/c every other ship was destroyed. So thank you but no thank you. And lastly I couldn't even tell you the point of Hope. I wasn't on board with the whole baby storyline from the jump but I expected that we were stuck with her. She added nothing to S3 nothing. So now I see that Hope is actually older in the new season so she might do something this season but I won't be watching. I've officially giving up on these writers capabilities. I'm over the lazy writing and the inconsistency of the characters. And I could give you a million reason more about TO writers. So again yes this is Julie fought for not hiring great writers like other shows b/c TVD and TO could be great shows if the writers really gave a damn. Supernatural (a show I don't even watch)is still going on strong at the CW, seriously what season is that show on now. So I know TVD wouldn't be cancelled after this season and TO on the verge of being cancelled if we had better writers. But I'm over it once I found out they killed Cami and Davina I was DONE. I wouldn't be surprised if Michael Narducci killed Klaus in the end or if Julie step in Klaus might end up with Caroline, to give the Klaus and Caroline fans an HAPPY ending. And if they do good for them...I was against Klaus and Caroline from the start b/c I'm still AND forever Forwood. I still LOVE Haylijah always and forever...that first season sealed the deal for me. But I don't trust these writers to give them a happy ending...heck Elijah might die along with Klaus...and I don't know what they will do with my other fav Kol. Probably kill him (again) off. Now let me go put on repeat Lady Gaga "Perfect Illusion".


I like this show and am gutted this is probably the last (and shortened) season.
I guess we are all different in our opinion but I think it's the most entertaining vampire show in a long long time, and i far prefer it to TVD (although obviously, I am going to see how that ends now).

Elijah was a huge favourite of mine in the TVD and he is exactly the same here. What have they changed about him? He's the one with the conscience but is still ruthless when he needs to be, as we can see with the marcel situation (won't give too much away for those that haven't finished season 3).

Klaus, yes, they have softened him up a bit, I agree, but it hasn't really bothered me..I would rather see Elijah and Klaus fighting others together, than being enemies. Maybe there aren't enough viewers who feel the same. Ultimately they have still had enormous tension between them all three seasons though.

Anyway they better just finish it off properly.

They obviously brought Kol back to try save the ratings as he was a fan favourite. Let's see how season 4 goes. If it's the last, just end it well, please.


Interestingly enough, the prospect of a Klaus/Caroline relationship is what made me wary of this show as I actively despise that couple and everything it represents. Plus, it came out of left field on its parent show and makes no narrative sense whatsoever. But I digress.

I think the fact that they tried to over-sympathize and basically neuter Klaus as a character is what is causing this show to fall by the wayside.

Season 2 of TVD introduced Klaus as a force to be reckoned with and in the beginning of season 3 he had more layers as a villain, but then they tried to turn him into a tragic, romantic anti-hero and, I'm sorry, but the way it was done just fell flat to me. It was cheap and predictable writing that, frankly, had been done before on better shows with better writers (i.e. Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer comes to mind).

It was petty, immature, and teeny-bopper writing for Klaus' character that turned me off when he was on TVD. Oh so he's making hybrids to not feel alone? Really, that's the motive behind his evil master plan? Oh and he has daddy issues? His daddy didn't love him and now he's a basically a textbook bully? Come on now, lol.

Then came this spin off and I was hesitant at first, but I can say season 1 was ok. He was still way too whiny and "misunderstood" for my taste but it was tolerable. It got a bit repetitive in season 2 and by this last season it was just downright ridiculous and exhausting. We get it, his mommy and daddy didn't love him enough and now he kills things. Can we just move on already?

Now he has a daughter and a bunch of people who rightfully want him dead and to do him harm so I suppose the theme of this show is "now the villain has something to fear (losing his daughter)." But it's getting wearisome and frankly, I'd prefer an entire season free of romance and focus more on battle strategies and the rocky familial relationship between the Mikaelsons. Because seriously, this romance sh-t (on both shows) is getting on my nerves.

Don't be thinking about me when I'm gone.
I wasn't thinking about you when you were here.
